General Discussion / Need Help to Configure NAT as well as No-NAT
« on: January 12, 2024, 04:25:23 pm »Internet (Public) [Public IP from ISP]
+-------------------+|End User Workstation/PC|
| WAN [public IP x.x.30.132]
| OPNsense Firewall |
| LAN1 (private IP) | LAN2 (public IP)
| [] | [x.x.31.1/24]
| |
| |
| |
| |
+ [] |
|Server| |
+ [x.x.31.17]
As shown in the diagram, My OPNSense firewall has got three interfaces and NAT enabled. I want the NAT between WAN (public IP) and LAN1 (private IP) but don't want any NAT between WAN and LAN2 (just like a router) which already has public IP block x.x.31.1/24. ISP is routing all traffic to destination IP block x.x.31.0/24 through my WAN IP Address x.x.30.132.
I can make the NAT thing work flawlessly but cannot make no NAT or without NAT packet flow between WAN and LAN2.
Can anyone please help me to get this solved?