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Messages - kr1p

General Discussion / Re: port 587 not blocked?
February 08, 2023, 05:09:55 PM
The answer was to set rules in the "in" direction
see this topic for the direction meaning
General Discussion / Re: OpenVpn client
February 08, 2023, 05:07:12 PM
The answer was to follow this guide in particular to create an interface
General Discussion / OpenVpn client
February 08, 2023, 04:29:38 PM
I have configured openvpn client and it manages to connect.
However, i get this error:
GDG6: problem writing to routing socket: No such process (errno=3)

I dont think it has to do with the vpnclient configuration...I have tried to tick the option " Don't add/remove routes".
When this option is activated, my internet gets blocked.
I get the error wether i tick the option or not.
I have tried to sepcify interface : any or interface : wan and it's the same.

Do i need to do something specific in the system administration so it works properly?
General Discussion / port 587 not blocked?
February 06, 2023, 03:35:02 PM
I have this setup on my lan network where i allow traffic out on ports 22, 53, 80, 123, 443.
Then I block all traffic out on any ports
Then I allow all traffic in.
I have tried to send an email with python using smtp lib on port 587.
It was being blocked before I opened port 587 on my internet box. But after i open port 587 on my internet box it was not blocked anymore, as if the firewall let it pass.
What did i do wrong on my firewall lan rules?
See the attached screenshot for details.
Thank you
hi, here is the attached screenshot
Ok thanks.
I see all my devices connected to the opnsense firewall have a route with a netif defined as l0 (loopback interface).
Isnt it a threat that connects them all together?
Tutorials and FAQs / NordVPN configuration
February 03, 2023, 10:33:34 AM
I have found this tutorial
I dont understand why I have to add an opt1 interface named NordVPN.
On my hardware i have 3 interfaces and i cant add a nordvpn interface...
In the tutorial when configuring openvpn client, interface is set to any so i guess all interfaces will use the openvpn client...all the rest of the tutorial is about configuring dns on the specific interface.
Should i just link the unbound DNS to my wan interface so it uses Nordvpn and replace in the tutorial all Nordvpn interface with my wan interface?
Also i dont quite understand unbound dns. I have checked the documentation here but the definition is blurry...what does it mean?
thanks, so basically it's an hardware interface. it's a pitty the web gui doesnt show which "link#" each interface is assigned to in interfaces...
Ok i see the default as allow all incoming connection on LAN net also...
What is the meaning of 'link#2' 'link#4' etc in system/route/status?
Ok, but i have put a rule to allow traffic direction out and block direction in and the block in doesnt let the traffic pass if it came from rule direction out.
Is there a default policy to block traffic or am i supposed to add a rule at the end of the stack with block traffic and put rules before to allow it (in case quick is ticked)?
If i want traffic to pass from my lan to internet and block internet to lan (except for stateful packets that come back), what rule am i supposed to add to the lan interface(allow/block) and what rule to the wan interface (allow/block)?
I have a simple setup:
( box -- (10.0.02) firewall_WAN -- firewall_LAN ( -- my pc (
I would like to set a firewall rule authorizing all packets out and blocking all packets in except for related/established packets (stateful rule).
I dont find the rules i need to add to obtain this.

Could you help me with this?

Thank you.