port 587 not blocked?

Started by kr1p, February 06, 2023, 03:35:02 PM

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I have this setup on my lan network where i allow traffic out on ports 22, 53, 80, 123, 443.
Then I block all traffic out on any ports
Then I allow all traffic in.
I have tried to send an email with python using smtp lib on port 587.
It was being blocked before I opened port 587 on my internet box. But after i open port 587 on my internet box it was not blocked anymore, as if the firewall let it pass.
What did i do wrong on my firewall lan rules?
See the attached screenshot for details.
Thank you

The answer was to set rules in the "in" direction
see this topic for the direction meaning

Yes, you would never use "out" except on floating rules.

The OPT rule you have there is useless. Optx can never be a source on LAN interface.