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Messages - asw2012

I've got a strange problem here on my 24.7 box.
I have setup a failover to my normal cable internet WAN with a 5G line.
It's working but.....

when I plug the USB tether into the OPNsense box, the phone / data drops down to ~3-5Mbps D/L speeds and ~40% loss + 1000ms ping.
when I plug the USB tether into a single computer, speeds are 200+ Mbps D/L (normal speeds).

I test each directly from the phone, using OOKLA.

What's with the OPNsense box and the slow speeds?
22.7 Legacy Series / Re: Connection drop on PPPoE
October 02, 2022, 08:08:38 AM
Quote from: dinguz on September 23, 2022, 10:43:14 AM
I would suggest you start with using internal (PCI/PCIe) Intel-based cards. Realtek and external (USB and such) cards are notorious for these kinds of issues.

So, this would not be recommended as a small footprint firewall to install OPNsense.... as it has 2x LAN connections but are Realtek RTL8125BG / Realtek R8111FPV
Looking at the console, its spamming

arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for <ip address of my ISP's gateway> on igb0

would this have anything to do with dropping / disconnections?
I am trying to figure out why I am getting disconnected from an online game.  Ping ranges from 85-100 at any given time.

Internet / streaming / all else works fine.
I disconnected from my main ISP and connected through my phone's hotspot.  All is ok (Eliminating possible server-side issues).

I am new to opnsense, are there any tools I can use to try and track this issue down to decide if it's my ISP or some other factor?

Quote from: FingerlessGloves on September 25, 2022, 12:18:06 PM
I use the GIT backup plugin, I find it's a better method. Then you can backup to Gitlab, Github, or a selfhosted version of git.

Ok, I've got my key generated on github.  I'm filling in the fields in OPNsense git plugin.  I'm a bit fuzzy on the URL part, I keep getting authentication errors.  Any ideas?
22.7 Legacy Series / CAM + OPNsense on network
September 28, 2022, 09:07:11 PM
I am trying to figure out why a cam on my network since I changed over to OPNsense has stopped working.  It's connected to the Tuya app, have to log into my 2G wireless network on my phone (via router in AP mode), then find the mock network from the device itself, connect through the app, then it does its own configuration.  It always hangs on the last step - and won't connect.

So, I did an experiment, I hooked up another wifi router, hooked it into the existing network (basically a firewall behind a firewall).  Lickity-bang, no problems at all doing it this way -connected and configured within 10 seconds.

I am wondering if the Zenarmor or anything else would be thinking this device is nefarious and preventing it from connecting?
Or do I have to create a rule?  If I have to create a rule, why would it work with the experiment I did with the extra router?

I'm scratching my head here as I am also quite new to OPNsense and love it so far - but trying to work out these little kinks.
nice.  i will check this out!

I've read through the cloud backup for Google Drive and Nextcloud.  I could create an account just for using Google, but really don't want to.

Is there any development for MS Onedrive?

Virtual private networks / Re: OpenVPN + Android
September 07, 2022, 08:11:48 AM
Ahhh figured it out, just change the Export Type to file only

Virtual private networks / OpenVPN + Android
September 07, 2022, 07:45:54 AM
I have setup OpenVPN on the router v22.7.3_2-amd64.  I've exported the profile for a windows computer, set the three files in the correct folder, all works fine.

What do I have to do to these three files to make them work on an android phone?  I've always just imported an .ovpn file (for instance, from my ASUS router, there was an export for android button that spit out a single file).
