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Messages - tischa

Looks like i got all this....some config from my fw below.

Hi All!
I am really stuck on this topic. I tried everything i found, but couldn't figure out how to get this working.

I set up the NordVPN and got the interface working, i can see it pulls an IP. I followed this steps to set up firewall:


When i now enable the rule to route traffic via VPN, i cannot access web. i get a security error and cannot proceed to any webpage.

I also applied the DNS Servers as of NordVPN instructions:

QuoteNavigate to System -> Settings -> General and do the following changes:

Under Networking, check the Prefer IPv4 over IPv6;
DNS servers:, Use Gateway: none;, Use Gateway: none.

On DNS server options, uncheck Allow DNS server list to be overridden by DHCP/PPP on WAN


QuoteNavigate to Services -> Unbound DNS -> General.

Enable: check;
Listen port: leave blank;
Network Interfaces: All;
DNSSEC: uncheck;
DHCP Registration: check;
DHCP Domain Override: leave blank;
DHCP Static Mappings: check;
IPv6 Link-local: unchecked;
TXT Comment Support: leave unchecked;
DNS Query Forwarding: check;
Local Zone Type: Transparent;
Custom options: leave blank;
Outgoing Network Interfaces: NordVPN (or whatever you named your OpenVPN interface);
WPAD Records: leave unchecked;

To me as a newbie it looks like there is something wrong with the DNS. I am also running a DHCP server on OPNSense (IPv4). Can anyone help me?

I would like to only route a couple of hosts through VPN and not all. Anyone having a similar setup/issue?

My setup is this:

WAN -- Fritzbox -- OPNSense -- LAN