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Messages - a2zit

i have  block private network disabled on WAN ans still having same issue
Quote from: a2zit on December 10, 2019, 07:45:35 PM
Note: if i disable the OPNsense Firewall ( pfctl -d ) i can access both SSH and WebGUI with now issues

Any advice why i am having this issues  !

for anyone whom might have same issue, I found a similar case in below forums and they resolve the issue by
disable reply-to globally for Firewall (Firewall: Settings: Advanced).

Not sure if that's the correct way or not but it works !
Note: if i disable the OPNsense Firewall ( pfctl -d ) i can access both SSH and WebGUI with now issues

Any advice why i am having this issues  !
I installed Opnsene as VM on VirtualBox with 2 NICs (Bridged As WAN, Internal Network As LAN). (attachment: firewall-nics)
LAN (em1) -> v4:
WAN (em0) -> v4/DHCP4:

I have another windows 10 VM with 1 NIC ( Internal Network As LAN). LAN : I use it to manage Opnsene VM through the LAN NIC

I done the following to the firewall:
1) Added a rule to allow anything coming from WAN to firewall (Attachment: Firewall-rules)
2) Enabled SSH, WEBGUI on the firewall to be accessible from both LAN and WAN
3) Unblocked both private and bogon networks

I am trying to access OPnsene from my computer hosting VM ( I can ping firewall from my computer (ICMP works), BUT both SSH and Web GUI are not working. on firewall live log it show no block(attachment: firewall-log)

I tired everything and cannot tell what is wrong, I tried same setup with PFsense and it work with no issue

Please advice ! :'(