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Messages - mgear

General Discussion / Re: Add DHCP Scope for VirtualIP
November 20, 2023, 09:09:01 PM
Just to jump in here, what if we did have a switch that had ip-helper? I don't think opensense allows us to create a scope without L2 anyway.. I would love if it could do this.. otherwise, I have had to put a an L2 interface in each VLAN created on a switch in the past. It would be awesome to be able to just create a scope without the need of the intefrace creation also..
Actually I didn't select the options to make the certificate a "server certificate" in the "type field when creating the internal SSL Cert. My mistake. I overlooked the field.
Her eis a snapshot if this helps anyone else.
Hi, I also seem to be running into this issue..Has anyone found a solution to this?
Hi and thank you that did resolve my issue. Although I am curious as why I ran into this considering I never tried to change the password. Less variables when you have an issue are easier to troubleshoot, right? :) Thank you again for your help and that did fix it for me :)
OK, That did it! Thank you! Not sure why it was all caps....Considering I changed nothing..Oh well. Thank you again!
Hi, thank you for the reply. I don't know? That was the default out of the system. I never changed it. I'll make it lowercase and see if that changes anything.
Thank you for the reply:

drwxr-x---   2 root  wheel      512 Sep  7 22:03 .maltrail

root@firewall:/.maltrail # ls -al
total 92732
drwxr-x---   2 root  wheel       512 Sep  7 22:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  23 root  wheel       512 Sep  9 08:25 ..
-rw-r-----   1 root  wheel    229270 Sep  7 22:03 ipcat.csv
-rw-r-----   1 root  wheel    118784 Sep  7 22:03 ipcat.sqlite
-rw-r-----   1 root  wheel  94551713 Sep  7 22:03 trails.csv
Hello all, I have just installed os-maltrail-1.1 on the latest version of opnsense.
When I attempt to login to the maltrail server, using the default (I think) of admin/changeme!, the portal refuses to log me in.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but would appreciate some guidance.
I validated the hash that the password is changeme!
I have validated that logging is producing error on login attempt:
maltrail[81235]: Failed password for admin from port 53510
I also checked the maltrail.conf file:

    admin:9AB3CD9D67BF49D01F6A2E33D0BD9BC804DDBE6CE1FF5D219C42624851DB5DBC:2000:                        # changeme!

Seems to be right?
I have tried mozilla, chrome, both in incognito mode.
Any pointers? Thank you
Hello all, I have just installed os-maltrail-1.1 on the latest version of opnsense.
When I attempt to login to the maltrail server, using the default (I think) of admin/changeme!, the portal refuses to log me in. I have also tried root/changeme!  with no luck. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but would appreciate some guidance.
I validated the hash that the password is changeme!
I have validated that logging is producing error on login attempt:
maltrail[81235]: Failed password for admin from port 53510
I also checked the maltrail.conf file:

    admin:9AB3CD9D67BF49D01F6A2E33D0BD9BC804DDBE6CE1FF5D219C42624851DB5DBC:2000:                        # changeme!

Seems to be right?
I have tried mozilla, chrome, both in incognito mode.
Any pointers? Thank you
19.7 Legacy Series / Re: tried to install & run maltrail
September 08, 2019, 06:54:07 PM
Hello all, if I should create a new thread I will, but this seemed relevant to some challenges I had with maltrail. Reading this string, I was able to get the process up and running. However, I cannot seem to login. I understand the default user/pass is admin/changeme!. However, it will not let me login. Any pointer/suggestions on how to login? Thank you