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Messages - Milkwyrm

Would be nice if they added a couple more fields to the page for "Address =" and "DNS =" under interface, as they do for the private key, so that they are already in the config field. 
You're right. I skimmed past that and only saw the post with the subnet stripped off. i.e.
CookieMonsters post should have ended this thread.

I was hoping my somewhat blunt response would drive home the solution though.
Then change all the /24's to /32 so it only applies to the one IP address.
18.7 Legacy Series / Re: Virtual Interface
August 31, 2018, 02:16:34 AM
vLAN? if I understand what you've written so far, you wont be able to connect to it (unless the provider allows trunk access out?), but you will be able to assign it as the LAN interface. Might want to be careful and sort firewall rules so you don't loose access once you have a LAN interface.