Peer generator: WireGuard Instance not saved / QR-Code Config not working

Started by evildevil, April 04, 2024, 11:30:06 PM

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Hello all,

I'm not sure if this is a specific issue from my environment, but I updated to 24.1.5 today and wanted to try the Wireguard Peer generator.
I ran into two issues:
1. The "Instance" selected in the Peer generator is not saved after clicking on the "Store and generate next" Button.
If you switch back to the "Peers", the Instance of the newly created Peer is empty.
2. I scanned the QR-Code on my Android Phone using "Wireguard for Android 1.0.20231018". Importing the config is working, but I can not establish the connection. Error message on the Phone is "Fehler beim Starten des Tunnels: at least on address must be specified"
I have to edit the configuration on the Phone and enter an IP-Address at the "Interface -> Adressen" Field that is in the Instance's IP range to make it work.

Is anybody else having these issues?

Best regards,

Seems like Issue #1 was addressed already:
Yes - I updated to 24.1.5_2 and it is fixed.
Thank you - that was really fast ;-)

Best regards,

Would be nice if they added a couple more fields to the page for "Address =" and "DNS =" under interface, as they do for the private key, so that they are already in the config field. 


I'm with 24.1.5_2
and when trying to scan the QR this is still unvalid

I'm lost
Thanks for help

Quote from: stanthewizzard on April 05, 2024, 08:27:08 AM
I'm with 24.1.5_2
and when trying to scan the QR this is still unvalid

I had this issue once yesterday - it looked like the QR-Code was not scanned properly and rescanning the QR-Code fixed the problem (maybe you could try cleaning the Mobile Phone's Camera lens / Computer Monitor or using different angle/distance to scan the QR-Code).

You can also scan the QR-Code with your Phone's default Camera App and it should decode the QR-Code as Text, which should be the same Information that is displayed at the Peer Generator "Config" Textbox.

Hope this helps,

Not working
same screen same phone with wireguard-easy it works
so not on iPhone side :(

the plain text isnstrange btw

Peer Generator Template (with IPs and DNS Settings) and export as conf file would also be nice.

In my case the peer generated with the generator is never saved, not even an empty entry exits.
The QR-code shown is correct.
Don't seem to find any error message.

Am using v24.1.5_3 - did not get it to work on two physical instances.

Any hint?
Thank you.

I've got the same issue:
New generated peer-settings won't get saved in the wireguard peer list on the opnsense (but it shows no error message on the generator page).
I'm using OPNsense 24.1.6-amd64

The generation of a peer worked once (and was saved on the opnsense). Further peers generated by the peer generator are not saved.

Any hints?