Virtual Interface

Started by Mann-IT, August 30, 2018, 05:44:33 PM

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i there a way to create an virtual interface the i can connect to lan?
I should feel like an real nic, but there should no connection on it.
No VLAN or something else. Opnsense should think it is an real nic.

Greetings Mario

From the menu, Firewall -> Virtual IP -> Settings and Add.

Pick which interface you want to add it onto.


hmm that ist not what i searching for. I need a Virtual Nic that opnsense think that is an physikal nic on the server.
Only then i can connect this nic to the LAN interface.

Greetings Mario

I'm not sure what you are trying to do.

You'd stack a virtual IP on an interface. Can you explain in more detail what you are trying to do?


i will run opnsense on an vserver with one nic.
This nic is connect to wan, so I have no lan.
Problem is when I make some zerotier vpns I can only connect only one to the interfaces. The next will override the first one. So I can't connect more then 1 Zerotier vpn. It looks like the behavior comes from the missing LAN interface. I tried with ipconfig lo1 create but on reboot it will vanish.
Normal there must be way to create in Freensd an virtual nic, that i can connect to lan and all ist good :-)

Greetings Mario

This Problem has  many people here to with vserver and one nic.

Wouldn't you normally just create another virtual interface in the VM tool and assign in the as a local/private interface only?


the hoster will money for that.
There must a way to simulate the lan interface.
The question is only how.

Greetings Mario

vLAN? if I understand what you've written so far, you wont be able to connect to it (unless the provider allows trunk access out?), but you will be able to assign it as the LAN interface. Might want to be careful and sort firewall rules so you don't loose access once you have a LAN interface.


if I create an VLAN with the WAN, same problem i cannot to more then 1 vpn interface.

Greetings Mario