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Messages - Craigst

General Discussion / Re: Please help im losing my mind !
September 08, 2021, 07:32:03 AM
got moderate nat buy schanging to hyprid outbound nat and installed upnp with my pc port
General Discussion / Please help im losing my mind !
September 08, 2021, 06:49:13 AM
I have been trying to get open NAT on cod mw , nice easy task ive opened ports to wiregaurd unraid server and services and never a issue

But then ever i open port 3074 to my pc , my game no longer connects battle net is fine but game times out.
disable the firewall rule and its fine i even checked the firewall logs and all green says its forwarding

i have checked my whole network with no success i have 2 adsl line > tp link load balancing dmz to opn sense > opnsense router > pc

why would it do this , i have rdp to the same pc and says open port , openport test site said it is closed tho

any advise would be help full , using tp link modem i can open ports and its fine , i deleted the rules in the modem so all goes to opn sense
19.7 Legacy Series / AMD 19.7 upgrade / install
September 08, 2019, 08:23:32 AM
i been having issues installing and opnsense on my amd pc after version 18.7 , in safe mode i got to installing but most the time it stops and mounting root , i know i aint got much info but its to random to identify the issue 18.7 works great but dont wana stay there forever , i got mini intel rig but only have 4 ethernet ports but its works so im in no rush now but would be nice
18.7 Legacy Series / Re: Multi wan port forward
July 16, 2019, 12:07:57 AM
UPDATE: i just tryed it on my phone on 4g and it worked ? any reason why on my own network i cant use portforwarding?
18.7 Legacy Series / Multi wan port forward
July 15, 2019, 11:59:33 PM
i just switched over from pfsence , and due to 19.7 installer issues and boot loop i set up 18.7 so far so good but port forwarding is becoming a issue i have tryed a few bits on here and none has worked

i have 2 wan , BT1 and BT2 set up on a load balance gateway then to 1 lan 192.168.10.*

i set my aliases up my unraid server and my cctv server and ports for plex (32400) and blueiris (81)

i used to have bt1 and bt2 go to them ports so regardless of port i used would work to help plex

after port forwarding plex says plex is fully accessible outside my network but in web browser, i have no access typing in ip and port

so what am i missing ? i will be using open vpn for most rather than port forward but plex and blue iris needs port forwarding