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Messages - lilsense

are you trying to create a port channel? if so, you need to create a bridge 1st.
24.7, 24.10 Production Series / Re: Porting OPNSense
January 14, 2025, 10:02:10 PM
you can port FreeBSD and run the script to convert it to OPNsense.

here's the link:
General Discussion / Re: NTP Server: GPS
January 06, 2025, 09:47:38 PM
I am not sure about the Quectel Chipset but from the look of it briefly, the Sparkfun u-blox chipset has a 92 channel vs Quectel chipset 33 channel. But generally u-blox chipsets are considered high end.
General Discussion / Re: NTP Server: GPS
January 06, 2025, 07:51:43 PM
for High performance, I do recommend sparkfun gps boards.
General Discussion / Re: Nat masquerade between vlan
January 03, 2025, 07:52:33 PM
Quote from: marjohn56 on May 01, 2021, 10:15:36 AMYou can do it the way I do it between my primary VLAN and my IOT VLAN. Primary can talk to any device on my IOT, IOT devices have no access to anything on the primary VLAN.

On your Primary VLAN you add a rule, this one should be there already, but if not.

Action: Pass
Proto: IPv4/6
Source: Any
Dest: Any

and on the IOT VLAN

Action: Block
Proto: IPv4/6
Source: Any
Dest: VLAN_Net

There are some others to block/allow specifics, but that's the basics.
So, How do you deal with, say Rpi PiHole on the Primary VLAN? I guess that would require another static rule...
Wait!!!!! WHAT????????????

your 4 port mini PC is $20???????? WHERE?????
This is a fabulous way to get fired, by using a switch on someone else's network. :D

Also, you may want to google what a switch really is, before you try to make one. :D
why not just run OpenWRT or any other flavor AP system?
General Discussion / Re: website update looks great!
December 13, 2024, 03:04:34 AM
Where are the stylesheets? There should definitely been on the original design to include and support external stylesheets as well.
Zenarmor (Sensei) / Re: login does not work
November 04, 2024, 08:15:43 PM
Thanks! I did end up going and entering a support ticket on their website... the classification is correct. The problem is all the other tracking/etc sites they use to monitor connections is the issue...
Zenarmor (Sensei) / login does not work
November 01, 2024, 04:51:49 PM
Seems like there's a lot of tracking/ads etc needs be inblocked for this to work.

Can Zenarmor whitelist  Pandora login please.
You need to allow the LAN/SWITCH access in the Firewall Rules both ways.
you may be able to set up two different OPNsense and possibly use CARP to use Active Passive.
that's cool but will not work once you enable 2fa which you should anyway. :D