Help with creating rules for Xbox one (Port Forwarding, upnp etc...)

Started by KuNgFoOzEd, July 07, 2018, 06:51:09 AM

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Hello everyone,

I have been digging through every bit of information I can find on how to setup OpnSense for Xbox Open Nat.

I have had zero luck getting this to work. If someone could please assist it would be greatly appreciated.

OpnSense Version 18.1.11

I think there exists a very good tutorial in the tutorial forum section, but I can't find it at first glance.


What have you configured so far? I just recently got it working for me.

Hey Thank you for your reply,

I'll be able to post my config once I get home, but if you could outline what you did to make this work that would be helpful.


I have a PS4 and I all I did was:

1. Create a static DHCP entry for the PS4/Xbox.
2. Setup Manual Outbound NAT mode.
3. Create a Manual Outbound NAT rule with the PS4/Xbox DHCP IP as Source and with Static Port checked (YES).  This rule should be placed above the console's connected Interface manual Outbound NAT rule (LAN most likely)

Remember, NAT Type 2 is still considered OPEN when you're behind any kind of firewall or router.
NAT Type 3 is the only bad scenario.
AhnHEL (Angel)