OPNsense versus pfSense

Started by bimmerdriver, June 23, 2018, 03:51:42 AM

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I'm new here, but you just need to read in their forum/blog...nasty stuff.

For me: i don't want to support such a project and I really like the spirt here, real open source and a friendly community! 8)

July 25, 2018, 11:21:24 PM #16 Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 04:01:24 PM by iam
Quote from: marjohn56 on July 24, 2018, 11:00:30 PM
And you still haven't told us what has not convinced you. ???

I have: Different as in pfSense in OPNsense LDAP groups aren't evaluated.

EDIT: Added missing word group

I'd suggest you open a new thread and tell what you want to achieve and what went wrong. Then we can start fixing it

Quote from: mimugmail on July 26, 2018, 06:04:04 AM
I'd suggest you open a new thread and tell what you want to achieve and what went wrong. Then we can start fixing it


Used pfsense for a good while, and while it has many features, seemed to crash a lot with me.  Forums are a mess, but that's normal for BSD, as BSD gurus are usually quite arrogant.  I love BSD, use it a lot on my network, but my goodness.  This is about the only forum that seems respectful.  I installed opnsense after a rather bad week with pfsense and have not looked back.  Monowall was great and opnsense has been better for me in literally every way.  Highly recommend to everyone I come across.  Love the work being done, love the forums.  Sidenote, I prefer BSD over linux, just wouldn't recommend it for new users based on the points above.  Keep up the good work guys!

Long time pfSense User, almost ten years.  Just finished migrating my settings to OPNsense for my home network on FIOS.  Perfectly happy with the transition and I'm here to stay.  I wanted to introduce myself and applaud the Project.as well.  I tested OPNsense when it was first introduced years ago bc of what pfSense was turning into but OPNsense was still very new and not as featured so I wound up returning to pfSense.  You guys have come a long way and have a lot to be proud of, thank you.  I made a modest donation yesterday and look forward to participating in the forum. 

While trying to remember how long I was a pfSense user, I stumbled upon this statement in Wikipedia for pfSense:

"In November 2017, a World Intellectual Property Organization panel found that Netgate had been using the domain opnsense.com in bad faith to discredit OPNsense, a competing open source firewall, and compelled Netgate to transfer the domain to Deciso, the developer of OPNsense.[7]"

I never knew that until just a few moments ago.  Features aside, now I know getting away from pfSense was the correct choice.
AhnHEL (Angel)