Wireless AP (General Setup questions)

Started by KuNgFoOzEd, June 10, 2018, 10:15:17 PM

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June 10, 2018, 10:15:17 PM Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 11:04:00 PM by KuNgFoOzEd
Hey Everyone,

I'm currently evaluating and getting familiar with the OPNsense product, I have 18.1.6 currently installed on ESX host. The last thing that I really would like to do before making the investment into new AP's is to evaluate the general Wireless configuration and administration. "Temporarily" I would like to take my Linksys EA9500 and use it as an AP just to get it up and running and play around with it. I see very little documentation on how to configure this properly within OpnSense. If someone could take a few moments to describe how to add a the AP. And if the process is significantly different when adding just the Business class AP's please outline that as well for future reference. I thank everyone who contributes to this post in advance, thank you for your help.

New User

Update: I was able to sort this out for now