MPD5 multilink ppp using different connections

Started by draga, March 04, 2018, 09:33:58 AM

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Hello everyone, I've switched from PFSense to OPNsense some months ago and I'm not going to look back. Multi wan works a lot better here, as PFSense didn't often re-enable a gateway after being put down because of latency or packet loss. OPNSense is great.

There's something I'd like to implement here: I've two connections, one is 30 MBit/sec but its speed is unreliable (goes from 1 Mbit to 30 Mbit according to weather (it's a Wireless connection) and external traffic), the other one is an ADSL connection, more or less 4/5 Mbit/sec, quite stable in speed. At the moment, I've gateway switching for high latency and it works, but it's suboptimal. Weighted gateway distribution is out of question as the first connection is unreliable in speed.

Some years ago, something like in 2010, I experimented an interesting setup in FreeBSD: using mpd5 I have been able to create a multilink ppp tunnel using the two connections. The first one was always active while the second one got fired up as soon as latency went over a specific threshold. As a result, I could combine both of them when needed, while using just one when latency was low.

This kind of setup would be great here: when the unreliable connection is at 30Mbit/sec, the second one would be more or less "spare" (unless I start to download a big file), but when it's at 1 Mbit, the second one would stay up and take the biggest part of the traffic as the latency would otherwise be high.

Is there a way to achieve it in OPNSense? I know I can start using the configuration files manually, as I do in FreeBSD, but I'd prefer to keep it "OPNSense way". Thank you!