English Forums > Intrusion Detection and Prevention

Test IPS functional

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I have been running IPS inline.  Recently added the snort VRT rules.  How do you guys test to see if the IPS is blocking rules?  I do not see anything in my alerts except the country blocking rules I have setup.

I have tried http://www.wicar.org/test-malware.html and tested CVE-2014-6332.  These rules are enabled under emerging-exploit.rules and I do not see the alerts at all. 

the opnsense test ruleset includes EICAR. If IPS is enabled on your LAN (not WAN), it should block the download.

That worked.  Blocked.  So why is the exploit rules for CVE-2014-6332 not blocking when they are enabled?

Maybe you have not downloaded them or the rule does not match. Can't tell you from here.


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