[SOLVED] Captive Portal bypass urls

Started by jung301084, June 02, 2017, 05:03:15 PM

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June 02, 2017, 05:03:15 PM Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 06:14:22 PM by jung301084
hi all together,

i want to reach some URLs in the internet without registration in the signup-page with an Captive Portal. I have tried it over the "Allowed adresses" Field in the CP-Configuration, but they are always hidden and it does not work. Is there another solution for this problem? Maybe over the Firewall Configuration?

Greetings  ;)

Appendix: I found out, that the Allowed adresses field is only for IPs and not for URLs. Is there any solution for forwarding URLs in the CP Network without Registration?

I have found a solution by myself doing this:

1. Added the IP-Address of the Webserver I want from the Captive Portal in the "Allowed addresses" field.
2. Whitelisted the specific URLs in the Proxy Server

so everythings fine an working  ;) ;)