service suricata stop/usr/local/bin/suricata -D -vvvv --netmap --pidfile /var/run/ -c /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata.yamlgrep signatures /var/log/suricata.log
6/3/2017 -- 08:48:07 - <Info> - 1130 signatures processed. 0 are IP-only rules, 1 are inspecting packet payload, 845 inspect application layer, 98 are decoder event only
Thanks Ad,I say it is broken because there is no visual indication in the web GUI that there are ET or Abuse alerts being triggered/Blocked.On pfsense using suricata with the same rules, they trigger and block all day long. Ipfire with snort and the same rules, they also trigger all day. I get 0 triggered/blocked ET rules in the opnsense web GUI.I suppose it is possible that the rules are working and just not showing up in the GUI?I will attempt your troubleshooting suggestion tonight and see what I get.It is interesting to note that this is not just me. Another person I know with completely different hardware has the exact same experience.I was hoping to find out who actually has it working as expected and see what could be a solution or identify a larger issue if there is one.I will report back with my findings from the troubleshooting steps.