DNS Enrichment Truncated FQDN

Started by WackyWRZ, February 24, 2025, 08:49:16 PM

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New forum user, but longtime OPNSense user. Just started playing with Zenarmor so I could get some more monitoring of my network vs what ntopng can provide. I signed up for the home trial so that I can try the DNS Enrichment, and set it up. I put the IP of the OPNSense device for the DNS server (using unbound) and turned real-time and host aliases for enrichment both on.

What I am seeing in reports is some devices are not being identified by hostname, but a NSLOOKUP from a PC works. I am also seeing that every device identified is showing as DEVICE.home.ar instead of DEVICE.home.arpa (it's truncating the arpa to just ar).  This isn't a big deal, but seems like something is wrong somewhere. Testing from OPNSense cmd line, running "host" against an IP I do also get the DNS resolved.

Is there a known issue that would be truncating the DNS names, or a setting wrong somewhere?


Thanks for reporting the issue. Yes, there is a known issue with .arpa domain name and will be fixed.