Wireguard widget saying Wireguard tunnels are down. when they are not

Started by DEC670airp414user, February 13, 2025, 11:00:22 AM

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February 13, 2025, 11:00:22 AM Last Edit: February 13, 2025, 11:05:58 AM by DEC670airp414user
OPNsense 24.10.2-amd64
FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p7
OpenSSL 3.0.15

traffic IS passing.  and all appears to work

I believe this had to happen after that last prod update.  I have never seen this before
all gateways are online and pinging too?

anyone else seeing this or have any ideas or is this just cosmetic?

health audit:   
>>> Check for missing package dependencies
Checking all packages: .......... done
>>> Check for missing or altered package files
Checking all packages: .......... done
>>> Check for core packages consistency
Core package "opnsense-business" at 24.10.2 has 70 dependencies to check.
Checking packages: ....................................................................... done

The widget cannot know the state of the wireguard tunnel. It assumes it by checking when the last handshake happened. Wireguard commonly does the handshake every 2 minutes, so the widget implements a little bit more wiggle room with 3 minutes.


Can you see if the handshake happens less frequently in your case?

i have checked all the way down to debug and i can't see how often its handshakes.   where are you requesting/ finding this from ?

February 14, 2025, 12:39:59 PM #3 Last Edit: February 14, 2025, 12:47:03 PM by Monviech (Cedrik)
just use


on commandline, it should show the latest handshake.

If its more than 3 minutes away from now() the widhet will show the tunnel as offline.


# wg

peer: 67dHcTQOQeClqSNN2FjqoeA3nhSSlsnKiN+o3Hxokio=
  endpoint: XXXXXX:51820
  allowed ips:,,
  latest handshake: 43 seconds ago
  transfer: 682.00 MiB received, 172.32 MiB sent

its happening right now:   any browser. and in private/ icognitic mode:

allowed ips:
  latest handshake: 1 minute, 59 seconds ago
  transfer: 189.08 GiB received, 3.90 GiB sent
  persistent keepalive: every 20 seconds

2nd tunnel:
allowed ips:
  latest handshake: 44 seconds ago
  transfer: 396.00 GiB received, 1.84 GiB sent
  persistent keepalive: every 25 seconds

3rd tunnel:
 latest handshake: 1 minute, 22 seconds ago
  transfer: 244.01 GiB received, 8.29 GiB sent
  persistent keepalive: every 20 seconds

I'm running a dec670 still on business edition
I attempted to update to 25.1 the latest community, I waited 30 minutes and  it never completed

I pulled the plug and it booted up and I ran updates  again and it still had the wire guard issue...

I restored it back to the business edition and everything is working.  I'll see if the widget says other wise

still happening
I've turned off gateway monitoring.  increased keep alive in sessions by 5 seconds per tunnel.

I have no idea what has happened.  but its something from OPNsense 24.10.2-amd64 update possibly

February 16, 2025, 11:50:58 AM #7 Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 11:53:38 AM by Monviech (Cedrik)
Maybe your time is wrong somewhere? The widget used the current unix time to calculate. Since its calculated in your browser with javascript, maybe your client has a different time than the OPNsense.

Check the time/date on the OPNsense, and on your Client, see if they are the same.

February 16, 2025, 12:22:11 PM #8 Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 12:46:14 PM by DEC670airp414user
confirmed time is correct on the homepage.

I thought geoiP may have been blocking communication?  turned it off.  nope all the servers are still not reachable.    bizarre

here is what I am getting from Services: Network Time: Status

Unreach/Pending    0.opnsense.pool.ntp.org    .POOL.    16    p    -    64    0    0.000    +0.000    0.000
Unreach/Pending    1.opnsense.pool.ntp.org    .POOL.    16    p    -    64    0    0.000    +0.000    0.000
Unreach/Pending    2.opnsense.pool.ntp.org    .POOL.    16    p    -    64    0    0.000    +0.000    0.000
Unreach/Pending    3.opnsense.pool.ntp.org    .POOL.

Did you change the interfaces setting for NTP? Leave it at "All (recommended)".
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)

I asked for the times of both the OPNsense and your Client that you use.

If your windows or linux or whatever has the wrong time the browser will use that.

After much testing

I isolated the issue to one device. And yes absolutely the time was correct.  It is a brand new MacBook Pro m4 I just purchased this last week.    All other devices showed the tunnels online? How is that possible, I used 3 different browsers
Firefox esr

It would randomly(most of the time)  all wire guard servers offline from the console no matter what I did
I cleared arp, removed geoip, removed dnsl blocklists. I even assigned the device a new static ip on the network

I ended up wiping the drive of the brand new Mac book pro and reinstalled the os
It worked instantly in all the same browsers

I've been having this issue since I bought the new laptop :(   

Quote from: Monviech (Cedrik) on February 17, 2025, 09:19:18 AMhttps://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/8335

the issue was somehow on my devices end.    i just don't understand  how, and when i reinstalled Mac OS it fixed it.

feel free to lock or archive this.  unless you actually found a legit issue and that was why the github was opened.

appreciate the replies