Reload all services stuck on "Stopping telegraf ... Waiting for PIDS: ..."

Started by function, December 18, 2024, 09:29:36 PM

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Hi, when i ssh into my OPNsense installation and choose option 11) Reload all services, the process always hangs at some point. Most of the time it hangs on "Stopping telegraf (pid=12345) \n Waiting for PIDS: 12345" but i've also seen it get a bit further and then hang at a step related to DynDNS (something like a warning about can't resolve I've never had issues with DynDNS since i've set it up and it still works.

I've performed an update to OPNsense 24.7.11_2 (latest according to "12 Update from console") and this issue is present before and after the update.

Did i break something? How can i fix this feature locking up? I assume i need to check telegraf's logs or something to see why it's not stopping.

Thank you for your help.