Suricata rule modifications via suricata-update

Started by jonny5, November 20, 2024, 09:03:42 AM

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November 20, 2024, 09:03:42 AM Last Edit: November 25, 2024, 07:36:32 PM by jonny5
To modify specific SIDs using suricata-update's "--modify" option

To do this we need suricata-update, and it is already installed w/Suricata! ^_^ Nice!!

Now, it has a lot of flags/options, and OPNSense's Suricata installation is a bit unique, so, after a bit of discovery I think I've resolve this to be the most accurate form of the command:
suricata-update --suricata-conf /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml --suricata /usr/local/bin/suricata --data-dir /usr/local/etc/suricata --no-merge --modify-conf=/root/suricata/modify.conf --output /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules --no-test --no-reload --offline

This appears to update/replace files in the /usr/local/suricata/rules folder, but, it does not make a sid map file in the same format (v1 and v2 both look different than the one OPNSense sets up) and OPNSense already does things for IDS Rules in a two different main fashions...

The two fashions are defined in this file:
In it are the update and reload details and a few other actions. The update (update) and reload (install) scrips are as such:

Rule Updater by OPNSense
( gets updated rules from the internet, puts them in /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules )

Rule Installer by OPNSense
( gets rules from /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules, and appears to copy/mod them to /usr/local/etc/suricata/opnsense.rules and then makes /usr/local/etc/suricata/installed_rules.yaml - it seems to also make an SQLite file for the SIDs )

What I'm not sure about is, what might break if I get in the mix here, and...

  • Disable OPNSense's Update & Reload (Install) Cron routines
  • Setup new Cron Scripts in /usr/local/opnsense/service/conf/actions.d with 'Descriptions' so I can Cron them
  • Have these scripts run the suricata-update with the correct flags, and create the expected merged file?
Custom: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 / AMD FX-8320E / 32 GB DDR3 1866 / X520 & I350 / 500GB SATA

For those that haven't used oinkmaster or pulled-pork, you can more or less replace text and other modifications based on the modify file - now for example, that "specific device" that does something dumb and hits a good rule (but is an accepted risk), you can exclude that specific IP with a modification to the "$HOME_NET" text, and make the rule say "[$HOME_NET, !]" instead (for that area, keeping all other text in the rule).

This modification functionality does not appear available in OPNSense, but the Policy Management design is okay, but honestly, we can do the same thing with suricata-update and more. Food for thought, curious if anyone else is interested in this?
Custom: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 / AMD FX-8320E / 32 GB DDR3 1866 / X520 & I350 / 500GB SATA

you cannot change the suricata yaml, it will be overwritten on reboot

You can download the rules , modify them, then put them back in opnsense, they will be overwritten when you do a rule update, so keep a copy. They are overwritten as a security measure which is very good.

November 21, 2024, 08:07:22 AM #5 Last Edit: November 26, 2024, 10:44:37 PM by jonny5
If you were to make a file such as:

You could add this code to it:
command: /root/; exit 0                                           
message:copy over and reload intrusion detection custom yaml                   
description:Copy over and reload intrusion detection custom yaml

The shell script would now be able to be scheduled by OPNSense's Web GUI Cron menu
Further, let's say that script does a thing:


# Get current date and time
TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

# Define file paths
echo "$TIMESTAMP: Checking for configuration updates..." > /root/suricatasame.log

# Check if the script is running using ps
ps aux | grep "$script_name" | grep -v grep > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: Script '$script_name' is already running." >> /root/suricatarestart.log
  exit 0 # Exit with a 0
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: Script '$script_name' is not running. Proceeding..." >> /root/suricatasame.log

# Check if the script is running using ps
ps aux | grep "$script_name" | grep -v grep > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: Script '$script_name' is already running." >> /root/suricatarestart.log
  exit 0 # Exit with a 0
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: Script '$script_name' is not running. Proceeding..." >> /root/suricatasame.log

# Check if files are identical
if cmp -s "$ROOT_CUSTOM1" "$SURICATA_CUSTOM1"; then
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: $ROOT_CUSTOM1 Files are identical." >> suricatasame.log
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: Files are different, copying $ROOT_CUSTOM1 to $SURICATA_CUSTOM1" >> /root/suricatarestart.log
# Check if files are identical
if cmp -s "$ROOT_CUSTOM2" "$SURICATA_CUSTOM2"; then
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: $ROOT_CUSTOM2 Files are identical." >> suricatasame.log
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: Files are different, copying $ROOT_CUSTOM2 to $SURICATA_CUSTOM2" >> /root/suricatarestart.log
if [ "$RESTART_NEEDED" == "YES" ]; then
  service suricata restart
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: Suricata service restarted." >> /root/suricatarestart.log

exit 0

Now, the result is you get a Suricata installation that can use a (and keeps using) very expressive custom.yaml file, such as this one where I have new vars address-groups and the like:
Custom: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 / AMD FX-8320E / 32 GB DDR3 1866 / X520 & I350 / 500GB SATA

In short OPNSense's rule management has got me quite far... but I might be ready for a rather larger logic/control application.

See here:

OPNSense has suricata-update already, and if we can safely mod away/quite the OPNSense SID management, and/or, somehow in-between-mod the rule set. Huge win! There are a few hosts that trip rules that if I could filter that rule away from that host, it would be the best win.

On a few rules replacing $HOME_NET with [$HOME_NET, ![,]] (for example) would make thing great ^_^
Custom: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 / AMD FX-8320E / 32 GB DDR3 1866 / X520 & I350 / 500GB SATA

You can modify HOME_NET via advanced settings, you know?


November 21, 2024, 04:52:18 PM #8 Last Edit: November 22, 2024, 06:55:36 AM by jonny5
That helps, but, I would want to be able to edit that whole "vars" start part. To add a new group, make it a sub group of "$HOME_NET", etc. Then later in the modded rules, I could use specific sub groups that are already 'cleaned lists' of IPs that I want that rule to respond to.

The deal is, where I will want to remove one or more IPs from one rule's "$HOME_NET" there could be a list of other combinations/different filters for different rules. Each SID is different and some devices do dumb things but you want to catch the next dumb thing but filter the current found dumb thing away but still be aware of it at the perimeter (HTTP on not HTTP port for example).

That is where the modify.conf and suricata-update come in. You can get your rules updated, then mod them according to a matching pattern (use the --modify feature of suricata-update, there are more and there's an order they execute in) and have a customized fresh set of rules installed. I used to do this with Snort, but it was called oinkmaster (and there was pulled-pork others used), on IDS installations around the world at the previous job (not too many, it was a start-up - still 50+ IDS installations watching attacks and managing all the events and double-checking new/recently seen events (we captured the Packets on each rule using a mod the boss made, this allowed us to verify the SID worked as expected... just gotta read HEX/etc from the packet)).

Also, thank you so very much for OPNSense!! The flexibility, features, and integration, also the community, it is all why I am here. Thank you to all the support and testers too!!
Custom: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 / AMD FX-8320E / 32 GB DDR3 1866 / X520 & I350 / 500GB SATA

Okay, it happened, I've been able to:

  • Turn off the built-in OPNSense update IDS rule Cron
  • Add and enable two Web GUI Cron entries to the configd files
  • Have the two shell scripts for those keep the custom.yaml in line and run suricata-update

It seems suricata-update takes a very long time, 30+ minutes at times to complete on an 8 core AMD processor.

So I posted on Suricata's forum to check it out, this is the trail of a future Blog/Post-update about how to use 'suricata-update' and/or Aristotle2 on your rules and only see the Alerts/Drops you would expect. I do not have all the instructions as it isn't done cooking yet. ^_^
Custom: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 / AMD FX-8320E / 32 GB DDR3 1866 / X520 & I350 / 500GB SATA

Here is the how-to on getting OPNSense to get IDS rule updates via suricata-update and allowing rule modifications.

Note, currently for a very large disable/enable/drop/modify lists it could take 30+ minutes for a rule update to complete. There is an upcoming fix to resolve this mentioned here -

Just want to mention again that the OPNSense Policy based Rule Update is quite fast (currently faster than suricata-update in most cases) and good, the above blog post how-to is only for advanced users that are wanting to get quite detailed/customized with their IDS/Suricata configuration.

Ideally I can mature this idea/mod into a natural feature in OPNSense (especially after the updated suricata-update comes out).
Custom: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 / AMD FX-8320E / 32 GB DDR3 1866 / X520 & I350 / 500GB SATA

January 04, 2025, 12:36:47 AM #11 Last Edit: January 04, 2025, 06:44:59 AM by someone
Sounds like your trying to put the suricata rules into opnsense.
Last I downloaded them and yes it takes a while, it was around 50,000 rules.
I do it manually.
I just downloaded the rules and it was around 48,000 rules

My process now takes about 4 minutes and uses 'suricata-update' for the whole detail...
The start:
14/1/2025 -- 21:10:01 - <Debug> -- This is suricata-update version 1.3.3 (rev: None); Python: 3.11.10 (main, Nov  4 2024, 23:32:15) [Clang 18.1.5 ( llvmorg-18.1.5-0-g617a15
14/1/2025 -- 21:10:01 - <Info> -- Loading /root/suricata/update.yaml

The final stats:
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:56 - <Info> -- Disabled 5759 rules.
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:56 - <Info> -- Enabled 1821 rules.
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:56 - <Info> -- Modified 193131 rules.
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:56 - <Info> -- Dropped 0 rules.
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:56 - <Debug> -- Checking flowbits for pass 1 of rules.
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:57 - <Debug> -- Found 522 required flowbits.
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:58 - <Debug> -- Found 153 rules to enable for flowbit requirements (pass 1)
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:58 - <Debug> -- Checking flowbits for pass 2 of rules.
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:58 - <Debug> -- Found 524 required flowbits.
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:59 - <Debug> -- Found 17 rules to enable for flowbit requirements (pass 2)
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:59 - <Debug> -- Checking flowbits for pass 3 of rules.
14/1/2025 -- 21:13:59 - <Debug> -- Found 524 required flowbits.
14/1/2025 -- 21:14:00 - <Debug> -- Found 0 rules to enable for flowbit requirements (pass 3)
14/1/2025 -- 21:14:00 - <Debug> -- All required rules enabled.
14/1/2025 -- 21:14:00 - <Info> -- Enabled 169 rules for flowbit dependencies.
14/1/2025 -- 21:14:00 - <Info> -- Backing up current rules.
14/1/2025 -- 21:14:01 - <Debug> -- Recording existing file /usr/local/etc/suricata/opnsense.rules/suricata.rules with hash '3f28ee1d08f4df0fc4ba26ecca58b10d'.
14/1/2025 -- 21:14:29 - <Info> -- Writing rules to /usr/local/etc/suricata/opnsense.rules/suricata.rules: total: 193131; enabled: 138821; added: 39; removed 0; modified: 89
Custom: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 / AMD FX-8320E / 32 GB DDR3 1866 / X520 & I350 / 500GB SATA

Finally have a good start at disable/enable/drop/modify yaml files to use with suricata-update to minimize FPs and other noisy SIDs.

Please feel free to clone/branch and suggest updates!
Custom: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 / AMD FX-8320E / 32 GB DDR3 1866 / X520 & I350 / 500GB SATA