PCENGINES APU[1-7] Coreboot SeaBIOS Open Source Firmware

Started by tillsense, January 03, 2017, 07:36:55 PM

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I have an APU2D4 for my home firewall and I upgraded to v4.10.0.3
CPU Temp (amdtemp) is no longer being shown in OPNsense.
I run "sysctl -a | grep amdtemp" and I get the appropriate value for dev.amdtemp.0.core0.sensor0
I only get results for core0
Anybody else seeing this ?
I'm going to go back to v4.10.0.2 and see if CPU temps are available.

Can confirm.  Temps no longer reported on my apu2C4.
Just reported it to 3mdeb.

There's an issue with v4.10.0.3

root@OPNsense:~ # sysctl -a | grep dev.cpu
   returns nothing

root@OPNsense:~ # sysctl -a | grep -c dev.cpu

53 lines of output including results for the 4 CPUs and temperatures

I'll stay with v4.10.0.2 for now

Hi all,

i see that here too. there is also a contribution here at 3mdeb / pcengines.



The most recent mainline BIOS versions for the APU1 trough APU5 platforms are out.

Temperature is showing on OPNsense dashboard.




can you also see Zone 0 (hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature) ?


No I can't. This just throws:

# sysctl -a | grep -i thermal

dev.amdtemp.0.%desc: AMD CPU On-Die Thermal Sensors

Do you have any suggestions?

A finding made by the 3mdeb crew puts doubts into pfSense/OPNSense APCI compliance. Could this perhaps influence the result?


Hi all,

happy new year 2020!

A short test showed that with the firmware pcengines coreboot version v4.11.0.2 also the opnsense sensor plugin has a display under zone 0 (hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature) again.

Let's see how the APCI implementation on the APU's under opnsense 20.1 (HardenedBSD Kernel/OPNsense/3mdeb Firmware) will continue in the future.

cheers till

I upgraded to v4.11.0.2
root@OPNsense:~ # dmidecode --string bios-version

The dev.cpu.[0123].temperature values are available, but I don't see hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature

root@OPNsense:~ # sysctl hw.acpi
hw.acpi.cpu.cx_lowest: C2
hw.acpi.reset_video: 0
hw.acpi.handle_reboot: 1
hw.acpi.disable_on_reboot: 0
hw.acpi.verbose: 0
hw.acpi.s4bios: 0
hw.acpi.sleep_delay: 1
hw.acpi.suspend_state: NONE
hw.acpi.standby_state: S1
hw.acpi.lid_switch_state: NONE
hw.acpi.sleep_button_state: S1
hw.acpi.power_button_state: S5
hw.acpi.supported_sleep_state: S1 S4 S5
root@OPNsense:~ #

Am I missing something ?

Hi OPNSense community,

It seems you are still experiencing some problems with ACPI and thermal zones/temperature reading.

Please do not be shy, you can always open a GitHub issue on https://github.com/pcengines/coreboot (or other repositories). That way we can respond really fast to your concerns and issues.

I must admit that the ACPI code for apu platforms is rather poor in terms of length (most of the things is a basic APCI code necessary for OS). coreboot community tries to update the ACPI code to be compliant with recent ACPI specifications. Some of the changes slipped our sight and introduced regressions. However, we work to improve that situation.

I see the Thermal Zone is not detected by ACPI. Unfortunately only apu1 has a Thermal Zone defined in ACPI.
As for apu2 we may add it also soon.

Michał Żygowski
Firmware Engineer
https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com

Hi Michał,

thanks for this clarification from you! i hope you get a uniform solution here on all apu's :)


v4.11.0.3 is published.




I saw that v4.11.0.5 was available, but it's not shown on https://pcengines.github.io/ yet.
I installed v4.11.0.5 and I see a slight issue regarding CPU temperature.
On the dashboard, I only see one CPU temperature, Zone 0 (hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature)
So, the BIOS has changed to ACPI for temperature.

However, CPU temperatures are no longer being added to Reporting -> Health -> System -> Cputemp
Previously, I had Thermal Sensors set to amdtemp.
Using sysctl, I see 2 temperature values, dev.amdtemp.0.core0.sensor0 & hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature
I don't get dev.cpu.[0123].temperature values

I changed my Thermal Sensors to None/ACPI and rebooted.
Using sysctl, I see hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature only. No amdtemp, but I think that's OK.
"sysctl dev.cpu" returns "sysctl: unknown oid 'dev.cpu'". No values

The bottom line: How do I get the Cputemp report back? (I don't want to go back to v4.11.0.4 unless there is no other choice)
I flushed the system-cputemp report, so now my Cputemp report is blank.

Thank you

Quote from: Gary7 on March 29, 2020, 06:02:36 PM
I saw that v4.11.0.5 was available, but it's not shown on https://pcengines.github.io/ yet.
I installed v4.11.0.5 and I see a slight issue regarding CPU temperature.
On the dashboard, I only see one CPU temperature, Zone 0 (hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature)
So, the BIOS has changed to ACPI for temperature.

However, CPU temperatures are no longer being added to Reporting -> Health -> System -> Cputemp
Previously, I had Thermal Sensors set to amdtemp.
Using sysctl, I see 2 temperature values, dev.amdtemp.0.core0.sensor0 & hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature
I don't get dev.cpu.[0123].temperature values

I changed my Thermal Sensors to None/ACPI and rebooted.
Using sysctl, I see hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature only. No amdtemp, but I think that's OK.
"sysctl dev.cpu" returns "sysctl: unknown oid 'dev.cpu'". No values

The bottom line: How do I get the Cputemp report back? (I don't want to go back to v4.11.0.4 unless there is no other choice)
I flushed the system-cputemp report, so now my Cputemp report is blank.

Thank you

I have the same problem  :o
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