Adguard Home - DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS

Started by flaviuvlaicu, July 16, 2024, 06:00:57 PM

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Some help here would be highly appreciated  ;D

I currently have AdguardHome setup using port 53. Unbound is not used.
OPNsense GUI running on port 8443 and Adguard GUI on 3000. I am trying to use the DoH and DoT but cannot manage to set it up. I also have the certificate in place and it is detecting it and seen as verified.
In the Adgurd GUI it works only by using plain DNS.

Thanks in advance.

August 07, 2024, 03:48:05 AM #3 Last Edit: August 07, 2024, 03:53:22 AM by toodementianull
Are you putting /dns-query at the end of your url?

Also don't forget to add your opnsense ip to the list of trusted proxies in AdGuardHome.yaml. If your domain is registerd through cloudflare you need to add their list of IPs to that list as well.

If you are using a reverse proxy you have to set force_https: false and allow_unencrypted_doh: true in AdGuardHome.yaml

Edit: Didn't realize this post was a month old. Sorry about the necro bump