opnsense with fortigate same network

Started by mtawfik, June 08, 2024, 01:43:50 PM

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sorry about my english but i have question
i have fortigate and i cant renew license so i will use opnsense , but i want to use it with fortigate , the only thing that fortigate will handle is authentications captive portal ,  and speed limit for users on my active directory (THIS OPTION NOT IN OPNSENSE) - and opnsense will do the rest
my current network diagram

IPS (2 lines ) - fortigate FW - Coreswitch (handle routing and vlans)- switches and APs - then users PCs and laptops

is that possible to make the opnsense works side by side with fortigate

September 09, 2024, 06:14:36 PM #2 Last Edit: September 09, 2024, 06:16:58 PM by lilsense
your Fortigate will NOT act as a firewall.

I presume IPS will be your OPNsense which means that it WILL be your firewall. This means that it is possible to set this up.

  you can download a Fortigate VM and set this up with a OPNsense VM to test out.