24.1.8 unbound wont start?

Started by ThyOnlySandman, May 31, 2024, 08:48:53 PM

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Ok believe I've identified issue...Its unbound version

Per 24.1.7 release notes it says unbound updated to unbound-1.20.0

Yet my 24.1.8 still has unbound-1.19.3 

Health check which appears to hang finally returned:
unbound-1.19.3 version mismatch, expected 1.20.0_1

So tried
pkg remove unbound-1.19.3
Installed packages to be REMOVED:
        opnsense: 24.1.8
        unbound: 1.19.3

pkg: Cannot delete vital package: opnsense!
pkg: If you are sure you want to remove opnsense,
pkg: unset the 'vital' flag with: pkg set -v 0 opnsense

pkg set -v 0 opnsense

pkg install opnsense-24.1.8

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
        pkg: 1.19.2_1 -> 1.21.3 [FreeBSD]

pkg install unbound-1.20.0  (unbound-1.20.0_1 not found)

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        fontconfig: 2.15.0_2,1 [FreeBSD]
        freetype2: 2.13.2 [FreeBSD]
        graphite2: 1.3.14 [FreeBSD]
        libICE: 1.1.0_2,1 [FreeBSD]
        libSM: 1.2.3_1,1 [FreeBSD]
        libX11: 1.8.7_1,1 [FreeBSD]
        libXau: 1.0.9_1 [FreeBSD]
        libXdmcp: 1.1.5 [FreeBSD]
        libXext: 1.3.6,1 [FreeBSD]
        libXfixes: 6.0.0_1 [FreeBSD]
        libXrender: 0.9.10_2 [FreeBSD]
        libfontenc: 1.1.8 [FreeBSD]
        libxcb: 1.16.1 [FreeBSD]
        png: 1.6.43 [FreeBSD]
        unbound: 1.20.0 [FreeBSD]
        xorgproto: 2023.2 [FreeBSD]
        zstd: 1.5.6 [FreeBSD]

However upon reviewing installed packages opnsense 24.1.8 package did not install properly.
Re-attempted pkg install opnsense-24.1.8 and tells me not found in repo?

Now this lab VM is broken...I will re-attempt this one more time with just trying to update unbound rather than removing 1.19.3.  But it will likely tell me its locked?

Can anyone share manual install procedure of opnsense base / kernel or point to documentation? 
I'm unexperienced with manual package management as opnsense updater usually works.

What's the output when you try to update everything again ? Console or GUI

sh:/usr/local/lbexec/opnsense-auth: not found

Lab VM is broke cause pkg install opnsense-24.1.8 wouldn't reinstall back after removing it - need to duplicate 24.1.6 VM again.

I've already updated my 24.1.6 to 24.1.8 three times now.  Every update via opnsense updater resulted in broken unbound - and a somewhat sluggish opnsense.

Can see in previous posts that after the reboot of 24.1.8, the 2nd update run it does bunch of cleanup of python 3.9 (meaning doesn't do python cleanup during first 24.1.6 to 24.1.8 update)

After new lab VM I am going to try just manual update of unbound:
pkg install unbound-1.20.0

But will opnsense allow unbound update this way?  Or give another reference to opnsense-24.1.8 being marked as vital and prevent update of unbound 1.20.0 over top of existing 1.19.3?  I'll find out.

I guess 4th times a charm.

Restored 24.1.6 VM , Disabled NGINX in preparation of of unbound breaking.
Did update to 24.1.8 which updated same as before.  Hung on snmp package extract + unbound failed to start on first 24.1.8 boot.
Set DNS under general settings.
2nd update run completely different result compared to previous 2nd update run (shared in previous post).  Among the changes was unbound update from 1.19.3 to 1.20.0_1 that wasn't there before.  As well as python 3.9 cleanup.

Unbound now works.  And Opnsense firmware section much more responsive.
Hmm - I'm leaning toward the default opnsense repo itself got an update/change..?

Here are changes of 2nd update of 24.1.8

2024-06-05T21:11:11-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   hiredis- installed   
2024-06-05T21:11:11-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   ndpi-4.8.d20240223,1 installed   
2024-06-05T21:11:10-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   lua54-5.4.6_1 installed   
2024-06-05T21:10:35-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   python39-3.9.18_2 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   nmap-7.94_3 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-typing-extensions-4.11.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-idna-3.7 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-tzdata-2024.1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-sniffio-1.3.1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-pylsqpack-0.3.18 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-setuptools-63.1.0_1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-pycparser-2.22 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-packaging-23.2 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-zipp-3.18.1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-exceptiongroup-1.2.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-pyasn1-0.6.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-attrs-23.2.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-vici-5.9.11 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-importlib-metadata-7.1.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-pyotp-2.9.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:34-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-anyio-4.3.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-ujson-5.9.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-sortedcontainers-2.4.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-filelock-3.13.4 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-pysocks-1.7.1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-sqlite3-3.9.18_7 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-certifi-2024.2.2 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-webencodings-0.5.1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-yaml-6.0.1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-pytz-2024.1,1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-hpack-4.0.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-six-1.16.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-cffi-1.16.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-async_generator-1.10 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-outcome-1.3.0_1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-markupsafe-2.1.5 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-lxml-4.9.3 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-h11-0.14.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-soupsieve-2.0.1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-hyperframe-6.0.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-socksio-1.0.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-h2-4.1.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-html5lib-1.1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-urllib3-1.26.18_1,1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-python-dateutil-2.9.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-cryptography-42.0.5_1,1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-trio-0.25.0 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-beautifulsoup-4.12.3 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-openssl-23.2.0,1 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   py39-httpcore-1.0.5 deinstalled   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   php82-opcache upgraded: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19   
2024-06-05T21:10:33-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   netdata reinstalled: 1.43.2_1 -> 1.43.2_1   
2024-06-05T21:10:28-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   shadowsocks-libev upgraded: 3.3.5_2 -> 3.3.5_3   
2024-06-05T21:10:28-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   unbound upgraded: 1.19.3 -> 1.20.0_1   
2024-06-05T21:10:27-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   ntopng upgraded: 6.1.240606 -> 6.0.d20240307_1,1   
2024-06-05T21:10:23-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   libzmq4 upgraded: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.5_2   
2024-06-05T21:10:23-07:00   Notice   pkg-static   libsodium upgraded: 1.0.18 -> 1.0.19

Quote from: ThyOnlySandman on June 06, 2024, 06:39:52 AM

Hmm - I'm leaning toward the default opnsense repo itself got an update/change..?

Nope. The only change was DNS in your settings, and now things work properly.

Just to make sure everything is fine, do a health check in Firmware - Audit section

June 06, 2024, 08:32:30 AM #20 Last Edit: June 06, 2024, 09:12:07 AM by ThyOnlySandman
Quote from: newsense on June 06, 2024, 08:02:58 AM
Quote from: ThyOnlySandman on June 06, 2024, 06:39:52 AM

Hmm - I'm leaning toward the default opnsense repo itself got an update/change..?

Nope. The only change was DNS in your settings, and now things work properly.

Just to make sure everything is fine, do a health check in Firmware - Audit section

Disagree - Had nothing to do with my dns settings.

Only thing was to populate system --> settings --> general DNS so that 24.1.8 with broken unbound could get access to repo.
I did the same 24.1.8 2nd update run twice before on 2 other VMs with same general setting and it never provided unbound 1.20 those two times.
The 3rd time it found unbound-1.20.0_1

As soon as unbound working I removed dns server from system - settings - general and my existing unbound config working just like it did before.

Edit:  Ran health checks - Good to go + firmware status refresh now the usual ~20-30 seconds rather than 5+ minutes it was doing before.

September 01, 2024, 01:01:31 PM #21 Last Edit: September 01, 2024, 01:03:02 PM by ledufinfra
DNS is not so crucial for web browsing ... which is about 90% of web activity : and in opnsense (24.7.3_1   ) , boom after EVERY update unbound is crashed ?

WHy ?

2024-09-01T12:59:26   Error   unbound   Unable to open pipe. This is likely because Unbound isn't running.   
2024-09-01T12:59:16   Notice   unbound   Backgrounding unbound logging backend.

As other people here !

if this is a joke ... it's not good.

Quote from: ledufinfra on September 01, 2024, 01:01:31 PM
DNS is not so crucial for web browsing ... which is about 90% of web activity : and in opnsense (24.7.3_1   )

Please, at least do not cross-post if unable to provide some actual info to work with for your issue.