How do I know which IPv6 prefix length has been assigned by the provider?

Started by defaultuserfoo, May 21, 2024, 10:01:41 PM

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How do I know which IPv6 prefix length has been assigned by the provider?

Ask the provider?
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)

Is there no other way?

It seems that other routers figure it out automatically.  Or not?

Interfaces :: Overview -> WAN, check details with the magnifying glass. See attachment.
Intel N100, 4 x I226-V, 16 GByte, 256 GByte NVME, ZTE F6005

1100 down / 440 up, Bufferbloat A+

Thanks!  Are you sure the information shown on that page is true?  It seems to me it depends on what you set as prefix length for the interface yourself, not what your ISP actually gives you.