Problems with MultiWAN and Firewall Rules

Started by LL0rd, May 12, 2024, 09:33:46 AM

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I need a little help with my issue. First, I have two WAN Connections. One is called TCV_PPPOE and the other is called MSatCable.

My goal is, that a OpenVPN  Client instance on OpnSense is using the TCV_PPPOE Gateway to connect to (NordVPN). So I set up a floating firewall rule, that outgoing traffic to this IP should go through the TCV_PPPOE Gateway.

But when I look into the Firewall Log, I see, that the Connection is established via MSatCable. Or at least the OpenVPN is trying to establish a connection, but it doesn't work.

So what's wrong? I also have no clue, how I can debug it. That's what I tried:

If I set the Gateway to TCV_PPPOE, I get in the Log (screenshot) that it's still using MSatCalbe. But I get no connection.

It I set the Gateway to MSatCable, everything works fine.

If I set the Rule to Block, I see, that the traffic gets blocked. So the FW-Rule is working.

If I pull the Ethernet-Cable from the MSatCable Interface and have the Gateway set to TCV_PPPOE, I see in the log, that the Traffic is going through TCV_PPPOE and everything is fine.

Do you have any ideas, what might be wrong?