Multiple dnscrypt-proxy Opnsense 16.7 / 17.1 / 17.7 / 18.1 :-)

Started by cake, December 06, 2016, 07:13:22 AM

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Just for the records if anyone looks at this thread and for everyone using dnscrypt (and wondering why lookups won´t work anymore):

It seems that dnscrypt is abandoned:

Upgraded to 18.1 this morning.
The upgrade went fine, then after reboot no dns. (drill
Went to System --> Settings --> General and changed everything to and just for a while.
SSH into shell and checked ping and drill, working, followed from first post again.
mv /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dnscrypt-proxy /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dnscrypt-proxy.original
nano /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dnscrypt-proxy

And pasted this in again
# $FreeBSD: head/dns/dnscrypt-proxy/files/ 373758 2014-12-02 09:21:49Z xmj $
# PROVIDE: dnscrypt_proxy
# BEFORE: named local_unbound unbound
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable dnscrypt-proxy:
# dnscrypt_proxy_instances (str): Set to "dnscrypt_proxy" by default.
#  List of dnscrypt_proxy instance id's,
#  e.g. "dnscrypt_proxy_1 dnscrypt_proxy_2", etc.
# {instance_id}_enable (bool):  Set to NO by default.
#  Set to YES to enable dnscrypt-proxy.
# {instance_id}_uid (str):  Set to "_dnscrypt-proxy" by default.
#      User to switch to after starting.
# {instance_id}_resolver (str):  Set to "opendns" by default.
#      Choose a different upstream resolver.
# {instance_id}_pidfile (str):  default: "/var/run/"
#      Location of pid file.
# {instance_id}_logfile (str):    default: "/var/log/dnscrypt-proxy.log"
#  Location of log file.
# To redirect a local resolver through dnscrypt-proxy, point it at
# and add the following to rc.conf:
# ifconfig_lo0_alias0="inet netmask 0xffffffff"
# dnscrypt_proxy_flags='-a'

. /etc/rc.subr


load_rc_config ${name}

: ${dnscrypt_proxy_instances="${name}"}
: ${dnscrypt_proxy_enable:=NO}



for i in $dnscrypt_proxy_instances; do

  eval ${name}_enable=${dnscrypt_proxy_enable_tmp}

  load_rc_config ${i}

  eval dnscrypt_proxy_uid_tmp=\${${i}_uid}
  eval dnscrypt_proxy_resolver_tmp=\${${i}_resolver}
  eval dnscrypt_proxy_pidfile_tmp=\${${i}_pidfile}
  eval dnscrypt_proxy_logfile_tmp=\${${i}_logfile}

:  ${dnscrypt_proxy_uid_tmp:=_dnscrypt-proxy}  # User to run daemon as
:  ${dnscrypt_proxy_resolver_tmp:=opendns}  # resolver to use
:  ${dnscrypt_proxy_pidfile_tmp:=/var/run/${i}.pid} # Path to pid file
:  ${dnscrypt_proxy_logfile_tmp:=/var/log/${i}.log} # Path to log file

  command_args="-d -p ${dnscrypt_proxy_pidfile_tmp} -l ${dnscrypt_proxy_logfile_tmp} -u ${dnscrypt_proxy_uid_tmp} -R ${dnscrypt_proxy_resolver_tmp}"


  _rc_restart_done=false # workaround for: service dnscrypt-proxy restart

  run_rc_command "$1"

Make it executable
chmod a+x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dnscrypt-proxy

Update the resolver list with this new place on github
wget -O /usr/local/share/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv

Change the resolvers to the one you want
nano /etc/rc.conf
Mine looks like this:
dnscrypt_proxy_instances="dnscrypt_proxy_1 dnscrypt_proxy_2 dnscrypt_proxy_3"
dnscrypt_proxy_1_flags="-a -l /var/log/"
dnscrypt_proxy_2_flags="-a -l /var/log/"
dnscrypt_proxy_3_flags="-a -l /var/log/"

Then start dnscrypt
service dnscrypt-proxy restart

Lastly I went back to System --> Settings --> General and changed the list back to ; and for the WAN gateway.

Checked to make sure all is working with

Big Thanx to the devs and the people making and improving opnsense.

Hi cake,

Thanks, maybe we want to finally put this into a plugin?

Michael, do you read this?  :)


I noticed I did something wrong because dnscrypt-proxy does not start after reboot. I must type in "service dnscrypt-proxy start" in the shell. Not sure what I did wrong. lol

/etc/rc.conf is root:wheel and not executable (I think that is correct)

If anybody else knows let me know :-) I may just use a cron job @reboot because my skills are poor.

Yes Franco a plugin would be nice. Cheers

February 04, 2018, 06:18:15 PM #19 Last Edit: February 04, 2018, 06:22:50 PM by w2712663
Quote from: beclar2 on January 08, 2018, 07:55:50 PMIt seems that dnscrypt is abandoned:

No. DNSCrypt is not abandoned. In fact, DNSCrypt-proxy v2 has been released (written from scratch in Go by the original author of DNS-Crypt proxy, Frank Denis). The new DNS-Crypt v2 supports things like multiple DNS resolvers in a single process and alternate DNS encryption protocols like DNS-over-TLS (used by Quad9), DNS-over-HTTPS (successor to DNS-over-TLS and best acronym award winner, doh!) and DNSCrypt v2 protocol.

Anyway it would be great to get an updated tutorial using the new DNS-Crypt proxy.

Also, for anyone that doesn't know, the official DNSCrypt resolver lists are back (and now include a list of v2 protocol resolvers):

Quote from: cake on February 01, 2018, 12:08:08 AM
I noticed I did something wrong because dnscrypt-proxy does not start after reboot. I must type in "service dnscrypt-proxy start" in the shell. Not sure what I did wrong. lol

/etc/rc.conf is root:wheel and not executable (I think that is correct)

If anybody else knows let me know :-) I may just use a cron job @reboot because my skills are poor.
Cake, did you read this post?

Quote from: beclar2 on February 05, 2018, 08:39:04 AM
Quote from: cake on February 01, 2018, 12:08:08 AM
I noticed I did something wrong because dnscrypt-proxy does not start after reboot. I must type in "service dnscrypt-proxy start" in the shell. Not sure what I did wrong. lol

/etc/rc.conf is root:wheel and not executable (I think that is correct)

If anybody else knows let me know :-) I may just use a cron job @reboot because my skills are poor.
Cake, did you read this post?

Thanks, It worked!
I did read your post, I must be getting a little alzheimer's. So I guess the tutorial on the first post is now a little wrong?  I'll try and edit it tomorrow, but it sounds like the whole thing may be out of date as w2712663 mentions there is a updated version. yay!
Thanks again.

Quote from: franco on January 31, 2018, 07:35:36 AM
Hi cake,

Thanks, maybe we want to finally put this into a plugin?

Michael, do you read this?  :)


Now I read it :D
Still anyone interested in a Plugin? :)

Gibt es schon neuigkeiten zum Plugin?

Any news about the plugin?

I'm looking into securing my DNS.
Why would we want a plugin for this while the project itself is dead (or am I wrong?).

It looks like getdns using Stubby is the way to go, right? plz. correct me if I'm wrong.