Wireguard Routing problem

Started by m4rtin, April 29, 2024, 03:20:26 PM

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Hallo, I run wireguard on an opnsense. I configured the client's allowed IPs with, ::/0 so the complete traffic goes through the tunnel. When I activate the tunnel, I can access all devices in the wireguard network but a ping to get's a request timeout.

do you have an idea where I should check the configuration in the opnsense (or at the client)?

You are probably missing an outbound NAT rule on WAN for source WG0 net.
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)

For Windows clients do not use but,
i am not an expert... just trying to help...

Quote from: tiermutter on April 29, 2024, 03:49:12 PM
For Windows clients do not use but,
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)

Oops, sorry...
i am not an expert... just trying to help...

April 29, 2024, 04:20:25 PM #5 Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 04:22:15 PM by m4rtin
Quote from: Patrick M. Hausen on April 29, 2024, 03:42:41 PM
You are probably missing an outbound NAT rule on WAN for source WG0 net.

I have already created a NAT rule (see first screenshot)., don't work as well.

Does it matter that I run the opnsense on a HyperV that runs on a Windows Cloud Server? All used ports are forwarded in Windows Server to the opnsense via Windows "Routing and remote access" (the Windows Server is the gateway).

I don't see outgoing traffic in the Live view of the firewall.