MystNodes NAT Traversal / types of NAT

Started by Chris87777, March 08, 2024, 08:19:23 AM

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hello community,

i'm just trying the last 4 hours the mystnodes, it´s not working.

The node show monitoring failed and nat: moderate

Found this in the documentation:

Setting up port forwarding

These steps will guide you through the process of configuring port forwarding, though exact steps may vary between router models and manufacturers.

Note down the IP address of your host machine running the node.

Navigate to your router login page. (For more details on logging into your router, search online for guides related to your specific model.)

Navigate to the port forwarding section on your router.

Manually assign an IP address to your host machine running the Mysterium node using the previously fetched IP.

Enter the range of UDP ports: 56000-56100. Save changes.

Open the NodeUI dashboard.

Click the Settings > Avanced tab.

Under NAT traversal order, drag items to reorder based on your configuration. Saves changes. Restart node service.

Open the dashboard and "Test node" again. If the connection test is successful, a new session with a few megabytes of data transferred should appear on your NodeUI dashboard. After a short period of time, your node status should switch to Online.

If you still experience issues, we recommend setting up the DMZ.

Try a static port nat top under NAT: Outbound.


Hey Chris,

Thanks for the quick writeup. Were you able to run the MYST node successfully via Opnsense? If yes, may you please share your settings screenshots? I have invested a good amt of time already in fixing this but alas it's still not working.

Thanks in advance.