Error firewall There were error(s) loading the rules: no IP address found for fe80::/10 Error firewall /usr/local/etc/rc.reload_all: The command '/sbin/pfctl -f /tmp/rules.debug.old' returned exit code '1', the output was 'no IP address found for fe80::/10 /tmp/rules.debug.old:53: could not parse host specification no IP address found for fe80::/10 /tmp/rules.debug.old:54: could not parse host specification no IP address found for ff02::/16 /tmp/rules.debug.old:55: could not parse host specification no IP address found for :: /tmp/rules.debug.old:56: could not parse host specification no IP address found for ff02::12 /tmp/rules.debug.old:61: could not parse host specification no IP address found for fe80::/10 /tmp/rules.debug.old:82: could not parse host specification pfctl: Syntax error in config file: pf rules not loaded'
em0: flags=8863<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500 options=4802028<VLAN_MTU,JUMBO_MTU,WOL_MAGIC,NOMAP> ether 3e:30:c3:6a:aa:aa inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>) status: activelo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 16384 options=680003<RXCSUM,TXCSUM,LINKSTATE,RXCSUM_IPV6,TXCSUM_IPV6> inet netmask 0xff000000 groups: loenc0: flags=0<> metric 0 mtu 1536 groups: encpflog0: flags=20100<PROMISC,PPROMISC> metric 0 mtu 33160 groups: pflogpfsync0: flags=0<> metric 0 mtu 1500 syncpeer: maxupd: 128 defer: off syncok: 1 groups: pfsync
Could you please let me know what am I missing?
Sorry for being so blunt. But that's a fact.
Thank you for your opinion. Fact is something else.
... you'd still have runtime issues with all services attempting to use IPv6 for internal reasons like e.g. Squid or binding to IPv6 by default ("::") which is sometimes more hardcoded than one may think.
And, is building base and kernel enough to get rid of IPv6 or packages also have to be built?
What's our metric for detecting if IPv6 is compiled into libc? I don't even know to be honest.