[SOLVED] Initial LAN DHCP server from CLI console truncated from *.100 to *.10.

Started by rcpa0, May 07, 2015, 06:01:51 AM

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I typed in the starting DHCP address pool as *.*.*.100
and ending with *.*.*.245
It all looks fine, but the web GUI shows the staring address pool as *.*.*.10 instead of .100.
Updating the web GUI does correctly change the starting address to *.100.

This issue exists in pfSense 2.2 and 2.2.2 as well.

web GUI >
Configure WAN Interface >
Static IP Configuration >
Upstream Gateway is empty instead of what I filled out in CLI console.

I could not reproduce both of these reports.

The DHCP range for LAN is set up correctly.
The Gateway was created for LAN and properly added to interface configuration.
The DHCP setting for WAN works.
The static IP setting for WAN including setting the gateway works.

If the error persists please provide accurate steps to reproduce this.

From CLI console:
4) Reset to factory defaults
3) Set interface IP address
Enable DHCP server:
Keep https.

Go to client, get IP address (note it will be the correct .100 that you will get), login, finish guided setup, reload.
Log back in.
Go to DHCP Server > LAN tab
The Start address is instead of the .100 set in CLI.

The wizard will rewrite your settings made via the console. Please skip the wizard by clicking on the OPNsense logo in the top left corner.

I think the settings entered in the CLI should be copied forward into the Wizard.  Only questions not asked in CLI should be new and started with Wizard defaults.

It's not that easy, but given a proper fix I'm not against merging it.