Last updated: 2023-12-29T15:11:22Total number of ranges: 746480
Last updated: 2024-01-01 18:42:50Loaded#: 198300
Action: BlockQuick: CheckedInterface: WANDirection: InTCP/IP Version: IPv4+IPv6Protocol: AnySource / Invert: CheckedSource: Geo_US_CanadaDestination: AnyDestination port range: AnyDescription: Block inbound unless from US or Canada
Action: BlockQuick: CheckedInterface: [currently all four interfaces are selected]Direction: OutTCP/IP Version: IPv4+IPv6Protocol: AnySource / Invert: CheckedSource: Geo_US_CanadaDestination: AnyDestination port range: AnyDescription: Block outbound unless to US or Canada
So, direction is in, block source is any, destination is the Geo_US_Canada alias. Pretty things up later.
Geo ip lists can be rather large, especially when using IPv6. When creating rules, always try to minimize the number of addresses needed in your selection. A selection of all countries in the world not being the Netherlands can usually be rewritten as only addresses from the Netherlands for example.
As for:QuoteSo, direction is in, block source is any, destination is the Geo_US_Canada alias. Pretty things up later.Unless I'm misunderstanding, that would block inbound access from US/Canada...
Uhm, no. You have two rules on LAN for outbound traffic - allow local networks- block NOT Geo_US_CanadaYou have one rule on WAN for inbound traffic (block NOT Geo_US_Canada).