Need to reconnect to internet sometimes over WiFi and wired

Started by runningjanuary, December 08, 2023, 02:46:10 AM

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December 08, 2023, 02:46:10 AM Last Edit: December 08, 2023, 02:49:18 AM by runningjanuary
I installed OPNSense a while ago. I started having some issues but never able to find the cause. My WiFi devices often get disconnected from the internet. My wired devices and virtual machines also do when rebooting most times. To gain internet access back, I usually need to disconnect and reconnect, sometimes multiple times.

I looked at the logs, and I only see

"unknown dhcp option value 0x7d"

as a potential cause. It would make sense if this is due to DHCP assignment, but it seems this code is related to vendor-specific options. It happens every time I leave my house and come back with my phone, and sometimes just randomly.

I am getting this exact issue too.

Saw an old legacy thread about changing WAN from DHCP to static, not sure what you would put in the IP on the WAN.