OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Started by Maurice, September 06, 2023, 07:28:35 PM

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OPNsense 24.7.9 aarch64 packages and sets released. Includes hotfix 24.7.9_1.
OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

OPNsense 24.7.10 aarch64 packages and sets released. Includes hotfix 24.7.10_2 (kernel, core and plugins).

@franco May I ask why the hotfixed kernel isn't named 24.7.10_2? I renamed it using
make rename-kernel VERSION=24.7.10
to emulate your release, but was wondering why that decision was made.
OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

We don't have revisions support for kernels. It is supposed to be a rare occurrence. :)


Hm, the kernel I built was named kernel-24.7.10_2-aarch64, I had to explicitly rename it to 24.7.10.
But I guess what you're saying is that opnsense-update wouldn't know what to do with kernel-24.7.10_2?

OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

Correct, it's intentional that opnsense-update will not take revisions to the kernel so opnsense-update can be corrected but keeps fixed on the same kernel. It was an early design choice that hopefully does not need revisiting.

You can still grab these kernels with opnsense-update manually (-r) though.


OPNsense 24.7.11 aarch64 packages and sets released. Includes hotfix 24.7.11_2.
OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

A big thank you to keeping this going! I'm mostly using this in local virtual machines on macOS where the aarch64 images work really well.
I used to have my local CI build ARM images but I got lazy and didn't really keep up with the updates and never setup a repo to do in-place upgrades with... but your solution has been a blast!

Some details: this works with native hardware accelerated virtualisation as well as QEMU; but on recent macOS releases you either have to do local user networking (slow, emulated, think: SLIRP) or vmnet which is what Apple supplies. Downside is that it only wants to do NAT, Host-only (PTP) or Bridged networking, and you cannot create something like a Open vSwitch yourself, there is no more TUN/TAP and even VDE doesn't really work anymore. But! You can create a Bond interface with 0 members, which even when down will pass L2 frames like a champ (even VLANs), and it works with vmnet natively as well. End result: accelerated machines and networking for your local networking needs.

January 15, 2025, 09:03:04 PM #127 Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 07:24:52 PM by Maurice
OPNsense 24.7.12 aarch64 packages and sets released.

[Update 2025-01-23]
Hotfix 24.7.12_2 released.

[Update 2025-01-29]
Hotfix 24.7.12_4 released.

In other news, GitHub Sponsors is now available as an option to support these efforts. I intend to keep the server public and frequently updated for the foreseeable future. Your contribution helps to maintain these efforts.
OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

OPNsense 25.1.r1 aarch64 packages and sets released.

This is mostly a test for my new FreeBSD 14.2 build system. There is no supported upgrade path from 24.7 yet. But if you are in the mood for experiments, you could upgrade manually. Be aware that your config may not be migrated properly, so don't use on production systems:

fetch -o /usr/local/etc/pkg/fingerprints/OPNsense/trusted https://opnsense-update.walker.earth/FreeBSD:14:aarch64/25.1/opnsense-update.walker.earth.20241220
opnsense-update -u -A 25.1 -r 25.1.r1

You're also welcome to test one of the 25.1.r1 VM images from my GitHub.

My 25.1-aarch64 builds use a new signing key. The fingerprint will be included in the next 24.7.x update / hotfix. The new public key is:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

OPNsense 25.1.r2 aarch64 packages and sets released.
OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

OPNsense 25.1 aarch64 packages and sets released.

The upgrade path from 24.7.x is the same as on amd64 - update to OPNsense 24.7.12_4 (also released today) to unlock the upgrade.
OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

OPNsense 25.1.1 aarch64 packages and sets released.
OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

February 25, 2025, 09:40:44 PM #132 Last Edit: February 25, 2025, 10:09:33 PM by Nordom
Quote from: rdunkle84 on May 31, 2024, 09:03:54 AM
Quote from: jcook on May 23, 2024, 09:15:00 PM
Quote from: rdunkle84 on February 01, 2024, 05:29:21 PMOPNsense 24.1 aarch64 ....  is working well on Orange Pi 5 Plus.

Would you mind sharing your build or the steps you took? I'm trying to get it working on my OPI5+ as well. Thank you.
The first step is to change the firmware of the OPI5+ to use EDK2 firmware.
If you do that then you can use the OPNsense images.

I have an OPI5+. I burned the EDK2 image to my sdcard and it boots. How do I get an aarch64 image? Do I need to manually build one? Can I use a VM aarch64 from https://github.com/maurice-w/opnsense-vm-images?

On the OP first post, there are steps on how you can update your existing aarch64 Opnsense.
There is also a step to build it. I followed those steps. I created a FreeBSD 14.2 VM. I followed the steps on https://github.com/opnsense/tools, but when I ran the command
make prefetch-base,kernel,packages MIRRORS=https://opnsense-update.walker.earth nothing happened.

I cannot seem to find a prebuilt ISO anywhere for aarch64 so I cannot run OPs update steps to get the latest version. There is one here: https://personalbsd.org/?p=1561 But it doesn't actually work. It kernel panics. I suspect it does something with EDK2, but it is beyond me.

I am sorry for being a newb, but I really cannot figure this out and would love some help! Can someone point me where I can get an OpnSense aarch64 image?

A VM image should work, but you'll have to convert it to raw. And don't write the entire image to the SD card - this would overwrite the EDK2 firmware. Instead, copy the individual partitions from the VM image to the SD card.

If you want to build your own image, there are step-by-step instructions on my GitHub.

OPNsense virtual machine images
OPNsense aarch64 firmware repository

Commercial support & engineering available. PM for details (en / de).

February 26, 2025, 09:20:44 PM #134 Last Edit: February 26, 2025, 09:22:25 PM by Nordom
Quote from: Maurice on February 26, 2025, 12:52:51 AMA VM image should work, but you'll have to convert it to raw. And don't write the entire image to the SD card - this would overwrite the EDK2 firmware. Instead, copy the individual partitions from the VM image to the SD card.

  • When I wrote the EDK2 image to my SD card it created a 8MB UBoot partition, leaving the rest of my 32GB card unassigned.
  • I DLed VM image https://github.com/maurice-w/opnsense-vm-images/releases/download/25.1/OPNsense-25.1-ufs-efi-vm-aarch64.qcow2.bz2
  • Ran qemu-image resize OPNsense-25.1-ufs-efi-vm-aarch64.qcow2.bz2 20G
  • Ran qemu-image convert OPNsense-25.1-ufs-efi-vm-aarch64.qcow2.bz2 OPNsense-25.1-raw.raw
  • To test this I used QEMU's Virtual Machine Manager to boot from the raw using aarch64 architecture and selecting FreeBSD 14.2 as the OS. It booted, but went to shell, so maybe I didn't do something right
  • created a / partition using ext4 on the SD card using the remainder of the space on the SD card
  • Copied the raw file to the new / partition
  • Booted opi5+ and nothing loaded besides the EDK2 menu system

I couldn't get EDK2 to see the image or recognize the / partition I created, or maybe it did, but my image wasn't formatted right. In any case  my opi5+ did boot. I could access the EDK2 menus, but if I tried continue past boot manager nothing would happen. I know the EDK2 part goes beyond your personal experience, but did I correctly setup the RAW or did I miss a step?