Firewall log ? "Default deny / state violation rule" broadcast attempt on WAN?

Started by GewGaw4U, August 05, 2023, 05:06:14 AM

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New to OPNSense but long time PFSense user. Finally made the jump over :)

I am running a fibre connection into my home and using the providers modem (Bell Fibe - GigaHub) in passthrough mode to my OPNSense box using 10GBe (only a 1.5GB connedtion). All seems well but I am getting a weird entry in my firewall log from a broadcast from the OPNSense box on my WAN (ix0) interface. Any Ideas?

I ran some searches here and on the web but nothing.

I suspect a gateway issue but haven't been able to find details on what my gateway should be set to.

That is not an issue, no GW needs to be harmed in the process.

This link may be of some help understanding the default deny rule