Captive Portal not working

Started by Pablitus, August 10, 2016, 07:05:38 PM

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Hello, I have an OPNSENSE 16.7 deploy in one equipment who handles the Guest network in my company

Interfaces are:
LAN - For users and Access Points
WAN - Connected to a Cablemodem
OPT1 - Connected to a ADSL Router

I enable yesterday the Captive Portal and was working fine, but today no matted from where i connect (wireless or wired) i enter internet without user and password.

Ideas? It's a strange behaviour.

No firewall rules, the only thing i have enabled is the multi-wan setup.


Hi Pablitus,

Is the captive portal still active from the Services: Diagnostics page? Did the firewall reboot at some point and not configure the CP correctly again?


Hello, mine is NOT working at all, I think it has to do with re-direction.

Can someone please help?

Quote from: wifimasters on September 11, 2016, 03:16:43 PM
Hello, mine is NOT working at all, I think it has to do with re-direction.

Can someone please help?

Hello, did you manage to make it work?

I agree on the re-direction issue, it not working at all.

Hoping to hear from someone soon.

@wifimasters not sure why your replying to your own message, a "me too" to yourself looks odd  :)

Back to the subject, have you tried opening a http page?
(for example )

The example redirects http only, you have to install a certificate to catch https too.

Quote from: AdSchellevis on September 13, 2016, 08:03:32 PM
@wifimasters not sure why your replying to your own message, a "me too" to yourself looks odd  :)

Back to the subject, have you tried opening a http page?
(for example )

The example redirects http only, you have to install a certificate to catch https too.

HAHA, my newbie embarrasing mistake. I haven't tried opening a http site, It might work I will try tonight.

What if my users need to open https sites such as Gmail and Youtube?


You need to configure your captive portal zone to capture HTTPS, that's done by editing the zone config and selecting an SSL certificate there.

Thanks franco!

I wanna know if there's a guide to properly generate the certificate, assigning the said cert to the cp zone is easy but generating is not.

I can't find any guide here :(

thanks in advance

Hi wifimasters,

There is no doc for this at the moment. Let's invoke the help from our friendly sibling:

Our pages are found under System: Trust.


Quote from: franco on October 01, 2016, 02:00:31 PM
Hi wifimasters,

There is no doc for this at the moment. Let's invoke the help from our friendly sibling:

Our pages are found under System: Trust.


Many thanks franco!