Confused by Gateway Monitor

Started by imagmbh, July 25, 2023, 03:22:34 PM

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I am a little bit confused. I have the following set up: 2 Gateways, one DSL and the second LTE. Both have seperate Routers that have public IP Adresses. So I set up to monitor the external DSL IP Adress, the other router should only have when connected to DSL. It worked until there was a failure and a reconnect. The gateway was marked as down, I could ping the externel IP adress from the consol, also I could access the OPNSense via the external IP Adress but the webinterface showed down.
Am I missing something, shouldn't the Interface be monitored regularly whe I enter an IP adress there?

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That's an unconventional way of using gateway monitoring. Typically, you'd want to monitor (= ping) the ISP's gateway or some host on the Internet. Your DSL router responding to (internal!) pings to its public IP address doesn't necessarily mean that Internet access is actually working.

Anyway, it should work the way you set it up. When the gateway is marked down, is dpinger still running (System: Diagnostics: Services)?

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