[ { "description": {}, "id": {}, "pidfile": "/var/run/udpbroadcastrelay_1.pid", "configd": { "restart": [ "udpbroadcastrelay restart 1" ], "start": [ "udpbroadcastrelay start 1" ], "stop": [ "udpbroadcastrelay stop 1" ] }, "name": "udpbroadcastrelay", "status": "udpbroadcastrelay[1] is running as pid 21360." }, { "description": {}, "id": {}, "pidfile": "/var/run/udpbroadcastrelay_2.pid", "configd": { "restart": [ "udpbroadcastrelay restart 2" ], "start": [ "udpbroadcastrelay start 2" ], "stop": [ "udpbroadcastrelay stop 2" ] }, "name": "udpbroadcastrelay", "status": "udpbroadcastrelay[2] is running as pid 22969." }]
Or... funnelling the info through JSON encode/decode makes it harder for PHP to guess if it should return an object or string... So you were on 23.1.4 then.Cheers,Franco