DNS requests to LAN ip not working.

Started by Odinos, March 17, 2023, 05:34:25 PM

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Hey everyone I just replaced my dd-wrt router with a opnsense firewall and have been configuring it today.

One strange behavior that I'm noticing is that my devices are not getting a response when I set the LAN ip ( as DNS server. It works fine if I set the same DNS servers as configured in opnsense but that's not ideal ofcourse.

Does opnsense need additional configuration to make this work?

If you want OPN to just pass the DNS requests up to its configured DNS server, like your ISP's then just the settings in system > Settings > General will be passed to DHCP clients.
Or you could set OPN to run dnsqmasq or Unbound, the two out of the box choices (there are more), and then the settings to use differ.
Tip: On OPN change on the pages to "Full help". It's a sliding button. Then most will make sense when reading those hints.

March 17, 2023, 06:24:49 PM #2 Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 08:47:33 PM by Odinos
Thanks, but that is exactly what I did. I added the DNS server in general and left it empty in the DHCP. I'm also not using dnsmasq or unbound. Still the DNS requests are not being passed.

Edit: Solution was to enable dnsmasq. Not sure why.

Enable/configure Unbound and off you go (no need to configure DNS in system -> settings -> general)