[SOLVED] DEC2640 Factory upgrade not possible

Started by roman_s, November 22, 2022, 10:16:55 AM

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November 22, 2022, 10:16:55 AM Last Edit: November 22, 2022, 06:12:38 PM by roman_s
I wanted to post this request in the correct legacy forum, but there is no option for new posts there.
I just wanted to update a new DEC2640 from the factory package with OPNsense 21.1.9_1. Update from console says 21.7 is available. If I confirm this, the message appears after a while
Nothing to do
Your system is up to date
and nothing happens further.
There is no .upgrade.log under /var/cache/opnsense-update
What can I do about this strange behavior or how can I force an update?
Thanks for any hints,

The problem later resolved itself.
I have previously overlooked that loading the changelog took too long.
"fetching change log information, please wait... fetch: transfer timed out"
"fetch: /tmp/changelog/changelog.txz.sig appears to be truncated: 0/1332 bytes"
Maybe the server was overloaded.
I'm just surprised that the update was offered anyway and that "Your system is up to date" was displayed as a result.

I think your IPv6 is misbehaving. Either turn it off in the WAN interface settings or go to general system settings and enable "Prefer IPv4 over IPv6" option.
