Install of OPNsense 2.7 on Watchguard XTM 505+

Started by akebono, October 22, 2022, 02:09:16 AM

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October 22, 2022, 02:09:16 AM Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 09:16:05 PM by akebono
These are some quick install notes for a Watchguard XTM 505. Virtually new, no dust, warranty sealed. (35 USD)
* Celeron 440
* 1 GB RAM
* 1 GB CF card
Upgraded with
* Core 2 Duo E7600 (3 GHz, 2 cores) (6 USD)
* 2x2 GB DDR2 PC2-6400 CL6 1.8 V RAM (15 USD)
* Micron 500 GB SSD (leftover parts)
* modified BIOS xtm5_83.rom
Requires 2 computers, both with ethernet, display and keyboards. directions are for windows 10 with powershell, but linux would work.

   1. Downloaded latest OPNsense AMD64, serial, as of this moment OPNsense-22.7-OpenSSL-serial-amd64.img.bz2
   2. Flash OPNsense installer file to usb flash drive using Balena Etcher
   3. Attach recipient hard drive using a usb -> SATA.
      a. This procedure allows drives to be recycled.
   4. Prepare recipient hard drive Micron 500 GB SDD by deleting all partitions and restoring the GPT.  This must be done to allow the OPNsense installer to create its drive.
      Launch Powershell as Administrator
      get-disk note number of drive target
      clear-disk -number x -removedata where x is the disk number
      Y after verifying that the drive target is the one you want. Drive x is now in RAW format
      initialize-disk x -partitionstyle GPT
   5. Prepare the host computer
      a. Attach a USB hub with
         i. An ethernet dongle
         ii. The OPNsense installer usb
      b. Boot installer from host. On a Dell laptop, hit F12 and select the OPNsense installer usb
      c. Attach a 2nd computer to the ethernet dongle and ssh in
                d. log in as installer and default password
      e. Default keyboard
      f. ZFS
      g. Select guest drive
      h. do not configure interfaces
      i. reboot and disconnect guest drive