Captive Portal not Redirecting

Started by fco.sanchez, May 18, 2016, 10:25:59 AM

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As the mailinglist seems not to be very 'dynamic, I'm also requesting here
for comments.

We have an OPNsense 16.1.13-amd6 (OpenSSL) running as FW, and a
Captive Portal (in just one of the hardware interfaces) with Radius
Auth backend.

The 'DNS Forwarding' and 'DNS Redirecting' are not activated in any
of the FW interfaces.

Everything runs like a charm but ... the Captive Portal clients are
not redirected to the CP after assigned the IP.

This interface has a WiFi infrastructure managed outside OPNsense,
which is an open SSID (I think it's not relevant, but informational)

This interface has DHCP activated and clients get the IP without
any incidence. After forcing access to the CP auth, then, the
Radius auth goes OK.

The rules seems (to me) to be also OK, as after the forced auth,
clients can access all the allowed targets outside theirs subnet (even
DNS resolution).

We have not find any thread related to this behavior in de current
OPNsense/CP version.

¿Have you experienced the same behavior?

Thanks in advance: Paco.-

any news on this topic ?
How did you solve the issue to make the redirect working ?
Best regards,