I've had the same thing, I've had to reinstall and put a config on from 22.1 but can't put it all back as can't reinstall the packages.From what I can tell on boot up on the console I see some DNS config issue (looks like it flashes past saying error in DNS config) after the upgrade which then appears OPNSense can't do any DNS look up's after upgrade.I was just using unbound as a forwarder for DNS but I've changed to do the look ups and going to set the system DNS to to see if this works but having kids constantly using the internet it's difficult to be able to try things!
Are you seeing more firewall blocking? I thought i'd seen more default deny happening in real time.
You can specify a version via the firmware settings and 'other' option, I used "22.1/MINT/22.1.3/OpenSSL" and its updated everything to 22.1.3 and allowed me to install my plugins. I suggest you try the same.
I had the same issue.Setting Anti DDOS / Enable syncookies to never (default) or rather leave at the default setting solved the problem.This can be found under firewall / settings / advanced / Anti DDOS at the bottom.
If Twitter.com and Tiktok.com work while others like Facebook.com do not, this would lead me to believe that IPv6 connectivity is broken while IPv4 works.Why? Twitter and Tiktok rely solely on IPv4, while many others also use IPv6. IPv6 having the higher priority, this could mean that the IPv6 DNS addresses are resolved (possibly via IPv4) but cannot be reached for one reason or the other.This can easily be checked by "ping -4 facebook.com" and "ping -6 facebook.com". Should IPv6 really be the culprit, one can then check every single building block (i.e. DNS, routing, firewall) and see what is the root cause - or disable IPv6 altogether.