Why not just use/pick the tagged ID that the user enters as the deviceId? I do understand the silly naming convention but coming from the networking and coding side you never want to use something and call it something else.banana = "pickle"VLAN05 = 99?
Can we stop the ranting now about UX that's already been fixed? If people want to talk about how esoteric and abstract network device names are they can open a new thread in general discussion.And if people don't give feedback during development releases we gladly receive feedback in community release. That's all there is to it.Cheers,Franco
I have not seen how VLANs are listed at the console level yet under the new platform 22.x however I have seen how they are at the GUI level and this is why I provided a visual feedback and comment - mostly for other Users who are starting out or as with me restoring from backup to a new and dis-similar hardware and having to recreate VLANs."UX that's already been fixed?" are saying they have addressed this issue? or are you saying that since we are in production release no changes can be made?
# ifconfig igb1igb1: flags=8863<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500 description: WAN [...]