OOKLA based speed test - strange behavior

Started by vico1959, March 23, 2022, 11:31:15 PM

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So I'm not entirely sure if this is related only to 22.1 or not but I have only recently noticed it. If I do a speed test on any OOKLA based site or service, (i.e. speedtest.net, speedtest Windows or mobile apps, or on the Cox Cable site - my primary ISP), according to the results, it appears to use my failover WAN and not my primary even though it still states it is using Cox as the provider. When I say it appears to, I mean that the results show ping times and speed results consistent with my failover instead of my primary. Also, if I temporarily disable my failover then the results match the primary as expected. All other traffic seems to be routed correctly including other brand speed tests. As far as I know, I have not done any specific routing for those sites and this has just recently started happening. Any thoughts on why this strange phenomenon is taking place? I sure don't have any.

So to update everyone, it must have been a strange quirk with 22.1.3 because since I updated to 22.1.4 the problem has gone away. Very strange behavior and I still can't figure out how it was doing it but I'm glad it is gone.

I used a script to do speedtests, every 15 mins, on a debian system. This had work great for months.
Then it stopped working, with the occasional scan.
I ran speedtest on the cli, and it requested the approval to pass data on under gpdr, it does this a few times each year.
However not in this case, so I terminated the job, and setup an alternative method using the speed test input on telegraf. This has been working for a while, but unfortunately I have lost the jitter and error data (as telegraf only supports upload/download speeds, and latency)

This may be the reason you had issues?