Missing /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/OPNsense.conf

Started by spectrematrix, December 15, 2021, 08:56:19 PM

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I had multiple failed attempts to update from dev version 22.1.b_141. I have tried to do a bootstrap install and now I have this issue where PKG shows unknown repository in update settings and running an update from Shell shows this:

Missing /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/OPNsense.conf

I am trying to find the correct file in the github to recreate the repo config, but I am not having luck.

Any help is appreciated.

Can someone drop me a copy of the .conf text please.

Sorry, night time over here in Europe.

In general opnsense-bootstrap would bring everything in, but in the beta case you need to enable the snapshot option, which was broken by other things so the following patch is needed:


# opnsense-bootstrap -zt opnsense-devel

That should do the trick then :)


Yay, thanks for the report!

I went a little further and added https://github.com/opnsense/update/commit/7ba940e0d which does automatic detection of the -t option now and this folds down to:

# opnsense-bootstrap -z

-z is needed, because we don't have stable branches and packages yet... that's coming with 22.1-RC1 in January.
