No Internet LAN

Started by Dexter_23, November 16, 2021, 03:57:29 PM

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I have install OpnSense on a Server Proxmox, the firewall is connect to internet, but the VM on Proxmox on the LAN can't ping dns google

Can the VM ping the LAN IP of the firewall? 


but i can't ping the gateway of the WAN interface

So log on via ssh to the OPNsense, test if you can ping the external gateway there, check your default route, etc.
Also your client systems must have the LAN address of OPNsense as their gateway.
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)


OPNsense can reach the internet, only from lan i can't, the client lan have defalt gateway as LAN IP OPNsense.

it's seems like problem on NAT or Firewall Rules, but i don't know how to fix

November 18, 2021, 05:34:15 PM #5 Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 05:36:50 PM by fastboot

did you check the NAT rules?

Firewall - NAT - Outbound

Did you check if there is a rule which allows the internal network being translated to the external IP? Also did you check the FW rules section for that internal interface?

Without details it's also hard to give you a good advice.

Interface configurations
routing table
nat table
fw rules

But either way I think you should learn how to configure a FW and use NAT. This is not really related to OPNsense at all. It's more over related to have a basic understanding what you are doing.

To be honest, before I play with a FW connected to the internet. I would setup a virtualized environment just to learn.

There are plenty of documentation in the internet which can help you. It even does not need to be related to OPNsense at all. Because usually when you can configure one FW, you can configure any basic FW setup. It's just about the basics.
Check on youtube for FW rules and NAT. Also IP addressing would be good.

just my two cents... :)

EDIT: Also be more precise in the subject usage. "No Internet LAN" makes absolutely no sense at all :)
LAN = Local area network
Internet != LAN
WAN = Wide Area Network (can be Internet, but not necessarily)
Hint: Name your interfaces properly do have a understanding.
Hint_2: Draw your network with subnets included and also the gateway IPs of the networks (like .1 for the GW)